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Prince William may have turned 42 on June 21, but his wife, Kate Middleton, stole the show with a cute PDA message slipped into his official birthday post. The Princess of Wales shared a personal photograph celebrating the day and a sweet show of affection toward William in its caption.

Prince William, kids jump for joy as Kate Middleton kisses and tells

In a birthday post, Kate Middleton showed a rare, cute PDA for her husband of 13 years. The Princess of Wales publicly expressed her love for her college sweetheart.

On June 21, the senior royals celebrated Prince William’s birthday by sharing a very un-royal image of the Prince of Wales jumping over a sand dune with his children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. The caption revealed that William’s wife, Kate, took the sweet snap.

Kate also appeared to write the image’s message. Her tribute reads, “Happy birthday, Papa, we all love you so much! C x”

Not only did Kate publicly declare her love for her husband, which is rare in royal circles, but she also sealed her message with a kiss by using the letter X to symbolize her affection. Historically, royals don’t engage in PDA, so Kate’s public admission of her personal feelings for her husband is both surprising and sweet.

Have Prince William and Kate Middleton ever engaged in PDA?


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The most recent PDA between the couple and one of Kate Middleton’s raciest moves was in 2023. The princess playfully swatted William’s behind on the BAFTA’s red carpet after he appeared to pull away from holding her hand.

Historically, the royal family superstars appear more affectionate toward each other at sporting events, which are more relaxed. Particularly if William participates, Kate is apt to kiss him to celebrate, but always on the cheek.

However, in more formal settings, there is rarely, if ever, any PDA between William and Kate. They regularly stand inches apart for photo calls and do not hold hands.

Speaking to People Magazine, royal etiquette expert Myka Meier reveals, “No actual etiquette or royal protocol says the couple must refrain from PDA. The likely reasoning is that while traveling on a tour such as the India trip, technically, the couple are working representatives of the British Monarchy. The couple are likely to show very little PDA, if any, to remain professional.”

Kate Middleton’s PDA is natural in light of the events of 2024

Royal commentator Daniela Elser of believes that in light of a challenging 2024, Kate Middleton’s PDA is just what both the couple and the public need to see and feel. Therefore, while out of the ordinary, Kate’s loving message is just what the doctor ordered for her prince and the public.

“Which is why Kate suddenly chucking an ‘x’ on that post is unlikely to be a typo or some overeager palace factotum going off-piste when pecking out the wording, but is quite the groundbreaking declaration,” Elser writes. “The Princess of Wales’ decision to depart from decades of precedence and to share something so remarkably personal and intimate like affection for William makes sense in the context of the turmoil that has been their 2024.”

She continues, “Throughout this, all William has bucked centuries of breeding and tradition and has actually behaved like a loving father and husband rather than giving in to the usual Windsor impulse to go into a different wing of the house lest he feel a feeling coming upon him unbidden. (Dreadful business those emotions.) This has not been a normal year for the Waleses, so it feels all too right to now have his not normal — but very sweet — instance of Kate publicly expressing her love for William. Will wonders never cease?”

Kate Middleton continues to recover from cancer at the home she shares with William and her three children, Princess Charlotte, Prince George, and Prince Louis.