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It hasn’t been the easiest year for Prince William after both his father, King Charles, and wife, the Princess of Wales (formerly known as Kate Middleton), were diagnosed with cancer. The heir to the throne has had to balance picking up more royal duties in their absence while also being there to support Kate and their three children.

As Prince William celebrated his 42nd birthday on June 21, a psychic predicted what’s in store for him in the coming months and what “challenges” he’ll have to face.

Psychic says Prince William is ‘no fan of drama’

Inbaal Honigman is a celebrity psychic astrologer who has been reading Tarot since the ’90s. She has appeared in media for more than 20 years giving her predictions for Big Brother’s Little Brother, Elle Magazine, and talkSPOR T radio, to name a few.

Prince William looks on during the UEFA EURO 2024 group stage match between Denmark and England
Prince William looks on during the UEFA EURO 2024 group stage match between Denmark and England | Richard Pelham/Getty Images

Last year, she predicted King Charles would develop an “illness” that would “become public knowledge via an official announcement” in 2024 and that Prince William would have to take on some extra responsibilities.

Speaking on behalf of Spin Genie, Honigman shared the traits of the future king’s zodiac sign: “Cancerians are sensitive and attentive and they like to be surrounded by family. They’re no fans of drama and competitions and prefer to be at home, chilling, and eating with friends. Loving and sincere, Cancerians are good listeners, good cooks, and extremely romantic.

“Cancer is a sign ruled by the Moon, meaning that Cancerians feel most comfortable at sun-down. The moon is seen as intuitive and feminine, so Cancerians tend to get along well with their female relatives. family is their No. 1 priority.”

The astrologer continued: “The heir to the throne was born during the New Moon, meaning that at the time of his birth, the moon was also in Cancer. We call this a double-Cancer, when the Sun and the Moon are in the same sign, and this astrological placement enhances all those empathic, emotional qualities of the Cancerian, so he’ll be twice as sensitive.

“William’s ascendant, also known as the rising sign, is Sagittarius, which gives him his edge. Sagittarius is a fun-loving, adventurous sign that enjoys travel and copes well with challenges. William’s Sagittarius rising means he’s excited to go away on long engagements, and that his honesty is his trademark. Sagittarius rising also has an irreverent sense of humor.”

There will be more ‘stressful’ times for William, but there’s ‘light at the end’ of that period

Honigman also revealed that she sees some “unexpected challenges” ahead and the Prince of Wales could feel like he has “more on his plate” than he can handle. But it’s not all doom and gloom for him.

According to Honigman: “The red planet Mars will try to sow chaos in Prince William’s year ahead, and this will make him feel like he has more on his plate than he can cope with. This fiery planet has tempers, so people around William may struggle to keep their composure. Mars is in Cancer between the dates of September 5, 2024 – November 3, 2024, and then again between January 7, 2025 – April 19, 2025.

Prince William visits Fistral Beach in Newquay, England
Prince William visits Fistral Beach in Newquay, England | Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images

“Those months will be stressful for the prince, as they bring unexpected challenges, during which he feels like people are against him. Not only that, but Mars is also in retrograde in 2025, until 24 February. This means that in January and most of February, things slow down for William, he has to wait on a result or an answer from somebody else, and he can’t move forward with his own projects while he is stuck, waiting.”

The psychic added that there is a bright spot though as “This period would be draining for the prince, as temperamental planet Mars can be exhausting with its shenanigans, but there’s a light at the end of all this pressure. Just before Prince Willam’s 43rd birthday in 2025, there’s a new planet in Cancer, which is his birth sign. Jupiter, the planet of luck, appears for the final 10 days of his year and sets the tone for the following birthday. This means William’s next birthday and the year ahead will be much luckier for him.”