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Anyone who is currently working from home with young kids knows that the struggle is real. So many people around the world are adjusting to remote work while juggling the demands of parenting children who are no longer going to school.

Even Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge have had to adjust their work-life balance. These busy working royals are making good use of virtual meetings and chatting with both family and citizens using video conferencing.

However, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are somehow accomplishing this without being interrupted by tiny voices asking for snacks or homework help. How can that be?

Prince William and Kate Middleton
Prince William and Kate Middleton | Pool/Samir Hussein/WireImage

Royal followers speculate that the Cambridge’s nanny still lives with them

William and Kate fled to their country home Amner Hall to wait out the worst of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The couple has been carrying out engagements using video chats. So far, they’ve spoken to students at a school and a group of veterans on VE day.

Kensington Palace has not confirmed the rumor, but royal insiders assume that the couple’s nanny, Maria Borallo, is living with the Cambridge family during the lockdown, Express reported.

Prince William and Kate knew they’d be performing their official duties to the best of their abilities and would need someone to mind their three children, Prince George (6), Princess Charlotte (5), and Prince Louis (2).

Maria Borrallo
Maria Borrallo | Justin Tallis – WPA Pool/Getty Images

The nanny must be minding the children during work hours

Parents know well that there’s no way Prince William and Kate would be conducting uninterrupted video calls without help at home — not with a toddler, anyway. That’s why they’re almost positive the nanny is there too.

Borrallo is a graduate of the prestigious nanny training school Norland College. There she learned plenty of techniques to assist her future charges, including Taekwondo, avoiding paparazzi, terrorism training, and skills for driving in dangerous conditions. She’s been with the Cambridge family since 2014.

Like Kate, Borrallo believes that the children should be spending time outdoors every single day, even in wintertime. That could be another reason why there’s no background noise during the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s phone calls.

Prince William and Kate Middleton revealed their challenges at home

They may have their nanny on hand for daily help, but the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are facing difficulties as their kids adjust to a new way of life. For example, Kate said during an interview with ITV’s This Morning that her older two kids are bickering over schoolwork.

“George gets very upset because he just wants to do all of Charlotte’s projects,” she said, according to Glamour. “Making spider sandwiches is far cooler than doing literacy work.”

Despite the little fights, Kate insists the family is doing “fine” and keeping in touch with extended family members daily.

The Cambridges share messages of hope for citizens


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While at home, Prince William and Kate are offering positive words of hope for their followers. They said it’s perfectly normal to “feel frustrated, miss loved ones, and get anxious.”

The couple recommends seeking help for mental health needs now more than ever. They promoted their campaign for Every Mind Matters, which focuses on lowering anxiety and promoting better mental health awareness, via their Instagram page.