10 Times Betty White’s Rose Nyland Hilariously Dragged Her Roommates on ‘The Golden Girls’
Betty White’s 80+ year career in entertainment made her a beloved national treasure. For many fans, her best and most-memorable role was her portrayal of the innocent and naïve St. Olaf, Minnesota, native Rose Nylund on The Golden Girls between 1985 and 1992.
Starring alongside Rue McClanahan (Blanche Devereaux), Estelle Getty (Sofia Petrillo), and Bea Arthur (Dorothy Zbornak), White received an Emmy nomination each and every season. In the show’s first season, she won the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series.
As we honor the late comedienne ahead of what would have been her 100th birthday, we thought it was the perfect time to grab some cheesecake and recall 10 times that Rose dragged her roommates on The Golden Girls.

10. When Rose calls out Blanche on ‘The Golden Girls’
Blanche: “Do you know what I hate doing most after a party?”
Rose: “Trying to find your underwear in the big pile?”
9. When Rose defends her St. Olaf, Minnesota home
Rose: “Maybe we don’t have French boutiques and valet parking and facelifts for Christmas vacation, but we have friends and family and a sense of community and caring, and that’s pretty special.”
8. When all 4 ladies pose nude in season 3’s ‘The Artist’
Rose: “Sophia, what are you doing with that heavy coat on inside the house?”
Sophia: [flashes Rose] “You tell me, Rose!”
Dorothy: “Ma!”
Rose: “Dorothy, was Sophia naked just now, or does her dress really need ironing?”
7. When the ‘Golden Girl’ tried to guess Blanche’s two words
Blanche: “Rose, honey, there’s something I have to say to you. It’s just two little words, but they are the hardest two little words in all the whole world for me to say.”
Rose: ”Not tonight?”
6. When Rose wasn’t in the mood during season 6
Dorothy: “Rose, leave the glasses in the refrigerator, close the door and keep your head out here with us.”
Rose: “Well, how will I know if they fog up?”
Dorothy: “The little man who lives in there who turns the light on and off, he’ll tell you.”
Rose: “I’m not in the mood for jokes, especially about the little man. You know he scares me.”
5. When Rose attempted to be supportive of Dorothy
Dorothy: “Rose, I have to confess. I dabbled a little in poetry writing in high school.”
Rose: “That’s nothing to be ashamed of! A lot of tall girls who couldn’t get dates wrote poetry in high school.”
4. When the ‘Golden Girl’ had her own language
Rose: “I think she’s a gerchominochen.”
Doctor: “Well, what exactly does that mean?”
Rose: “Literally, it’s the precise moment when dog doo turns white. But in general, it refers to the kind of person you don’t want to share your hoodencoggles with.”
3. When Rose told Blanche she didn’t care what she believes
Blanche: “I’m sorry, but I refuse to believe you have ever read a scientific journal.”
Rose: “Believe what you want, see if I care … hyper-sexual bitch.”
2. When Rose notices Blanche’s booty
Blanche: “I don’t look right in American clothes. I have more of a European body.”
Rose: “Oh, in Europe, do they all have big butts too?”
1. When the ‘Golden Girl’ admitted she was only partially right
Blanche: “Rose, what was your first impression of me?”
Rose: “I thought you wore too much makeup and were a slut. I was wrong. You don’t wear too much makeup.”
All seven seasons of The Golden Girls are available on Hulu. Betty White: A Celebration will be in theaters for a special one-night only event on January 17.