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Avery Warner steered clear from any political conversations on her season of 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days. But now that her season has wrapped and her relationship with Ash Naeck is over, it seems that Warner’s social media accounts are taking on a more political tone. Unfortunately for Warner, her views have caused her to lose out on fans and business opportunities.

Avery Warner selfie
Avery Warner of ’90 Day Fiancé’ | Instagram @averydopecook

Avery and Ash Naeck’s relationship

Not many fans had faith in Naeck and Warner’s relationship, even in the beginning. Before Warner went to Australia to visit Naeck, she was concerned about his profession and how many women it put him in contact with. The two had broken up a number of times before the show began filming. Over the course of the season, it became clear that Naeck was not a fan of the truth. He lied to her about being divorced for a decade when in reality, he had only been legally divorced for a year. He also told Warner that it was fine for him to bring his son to America when that wasn’t the case.

Avery does not support Black Lives Matter

After the murders of George Floyd, Elijah Mcclain, and Breonna Taylor garnered a lot of attention around the world, the Black Lives Matter movement began gaining traction again, much to the disdain of some. Warner has made it clear on her social media accounts that she does not support the movement. She even went as far as to say that BLM terrorizes white people.

Avery lost a sponsorship due to racist speech

The fame from 90 Day Fiancé can be short-lived. After their seasons end, many of the cast members try to leverage their five minutes in the spotlight to get sponsorships and other gigs to keep racking in cash. Warner had landed a deal to promote Science of Life Alchemy’s CBD products. The company has since cut ties with her.

In a lengthy Instagram post, the company stated that in this climate, people must be actively anti-racist and because of this, they could no longer work with Warner.

“Because of our philosophy and the cultural climate of today, we have decided to discontinue promotions with @averydopecook with  #90dayfiance,” the post read. “Her recent posts are not aligned with our support of the #BLM movement, and it is important to us as a company to show our support and solidarity for the black community.  While we recognize and acknowledge everyone’s right to have their own views and opinion, we do not want the publicly stated views of our brand ambassadors to be mistaken as the views of the company.”


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Unlike Warner, SOLA supports BLM and values the principals behind the movement.

“Our company values kindness and equality toward all humankind no matter what the color of their skin,” the statement continued. “And until Black lives matter the same as any other, we will continue to do our part to stand up against systemic racism and to stand firm on our belief that all people are created equal.”

Warner has not responded to being let go.