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The couples on 90 Day Fiance don’t have a very high success rate when it comes to their relationships. Granted, they do have a lot of odds stacked against them like age gaps and cultural differences. Because of this, most viewers spend the whole season trying to figure out if the couples stayed together once filming ended. Now, there have been rumors that Ed Brown’s girlfriend Rose is actually engaged to another woman. But are the rumors true?

Ed 90 Day Fiance
90 Day Fiance | Instagram @thisisbiged

Ed Brown and Rose’s rocky relationship

Brown and Rose didn’t get off on the best foot because Brown lied about a number of things, including his height. When Rose met him, she was shocked.

“So, I wasn’t completely honest with Rose about [my height] and a couple of other things,” he told Entertainment Tonight. “It’s never a good idea to lie. You have to be honest and I’m learning that even if you have strong feelings for someone, it’s better to get it out in the open. If not, it’s gonna come back and bite you.”

Once Rose got over his height, Brown asked her to take an STD test before he would be intimate with her. And then, after he gave her a sensual massage, he confronted her about having hairy legs and asked her to shave them.

Though he received lots of backlash from fans, Brown still thinks that was a normal thing to do.

“I woke up last Sunday morning and it wasn’t a good morning because all of the haters came out,” he told Us Weekly. “I had asked Rose if she would shave her legs, and people were really upset about that. And I was having a conversation with my daughter Tiffany, and she’s like, ‘Dad, look, that’s completely normal. I live in San Diego. Everybody goes to the beach, people laser their legs.’ … So it wasn’t something that I was really used to.”

Since then, the two have encountered a number of other issues like Brown being insensitive about Rose’s living conditions and being unable to adjust to her life.

Is Rose engaged to someone else?

When it comes to Rose’s supposed new engagement, Brown is just as confused as everyone else. He recently told Entertainment Tonight that he had no idea whether the rumors were true or not.

“You know, half the stuff I read online — not like half the stuff, more like 90 percent of the stuff I read online — is not true,” he said. “It’s people grabbing information, and bits and bits of information and they’re just creating fake news. They don’t know what’s going on. I know what’s going on in my heart.”

At this point, Brown isn’t allowed to reveal whether he and Rose are still together or not.

“I’m happy, that’s all I can tell you,” he told the outlet. “I’m very, very happy.”

Whether that means he is happy with Rose or just happy to be back in the United States and to have all of this newfound fame, remains unclear.

New episodes of 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days premiere on Sundays at 8 pm ET.