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Many people may have thought that they knew their significant others well, but coronavirus (COVID-19) has forced us all to get to know the people in our homes more than we ever had before. People around the world are quarantined together which means they are spending almost 24 hours a day with one another. So, if there was ever a time to work through your issues with your family members, it’s now.

Chantel Everett and Pedro Jimeno
Chantel Everett and Pedro Jimeno | Chantel Everett via Instagram

Chantel Everett and Pedro Jimeno of 90 Day Fiance are realizing that the hard way. The two had been experiencing relationship issues, but the quarantine has forced them to work through them.

Chantel and Pedro’s relationship

Everett and Jimeno met when Everett took a trip to the Dominican Republic. They had one of the most volatile storylines in 90 Day Fiance history as neither of their families was afraid to get involved in their relationship or speak their minds. Everett and Jimeno did manage to make it down the altar, but things didn’t just magically turn out happily ever after once they said, “I Do.”

Most recently, Everett has developed trust issues after Jimeno got a lap dance while he was in the Dominican Republic.

How is quarantine helping their relationship?

Everett and Jimeno have been taking it pretty easy during this quarantine.

“Just spending quality time together has been great for us, in the midst of everything, it’s done a lot for our relationship,” Everett told Entertainment Tonight of how they are passing the time. “We have deeper conversations with one another now.”

And they are working on their trust issues.

“Right now, he can’t go anywhere,” Everett told the outlet. “Yeah, I trust Pedro. I trust him, the only problem that’s ever been between Pedro and I in regards to trust has happened, like, when you were in the Dominican Republic, like, around your family. I trust Pedro, I just don’t trust people around him and that he’s strong enough to put his foot down for me.”

Jimeno added that she could trust him because he would never do something like that again.

“He can say it, but I mean … I do hope you’ve learned from your mistakes,” Everett said.

How are things with Chantel and Pedro’s families?

Everett and Jimeno’s family feuds were so intense that they got a spinoff show after 90 Day Fiance called The Family Chantel. And though the two have been married for some time, their families have yet to see eye-to-eye.

“Family issues, are they ever ending? Everett told Lauren Zima of ET. “Like, they’re never-ending and I feel like that’s an ongoing thing that you have to continuously work at. And I mean, hopefully, certain things will all just come out in the wash because you have to get over certain things and let them go, so, family is definitely still an issue for us.”

What are Chantel and Pedro working on?

Everett and Jimeno are currently on 90 Day Fiance: Self-Quarantined with many other couples. Season 2 of The Family Chantel has not been confirmed yet.

“We’re not currently filming anything right now besides the quarantine special,” Everett said. “We’re not sure if there’s anything else for us in the future, but we would like to.”