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Matters have taken a drastic turn for 90 Day Fiancé couple Paul Staehle and Karine Martins. The TLC couple have always had a tumultuous relationship, but things came to a head recently when Karine Martins called the police to their home. Since then, Martins has fled Paul Staehle’s home with their son Pierre, and assures fans that she is currently in a safe location. Meanwhile, 90 Day Fiancé fans are urging each other to keep her whereabouts secret, and are asking TLC to take responsibility for the situation.

Karine Martins flees Paul Staehle, files alarming report

90 Day Fiancé star Paul Staehle recently recorded an incident on Instagram during which police officers arrived at his home after a call from Karine Martins. Martins claimed she felt unsafe, and Staehle claimed that Martins was trying to take Pierre from him, and that she’d violated a CPS investigation. 

Shortly afterwards, Martins fled Staehle with Pierre in tow. Since then, Staehle has been rapidly posting and deleting various posts on Instagram, including a police report Karine Martins filed against him. 

90 Day Fiancé blogger John Yates captured the police reports before Staehle took them down. They are alarming to say the least. Martins report allege that Staehle has physically attacked her and forced her to perform oral sex. 

Martins additionally writes, “If I refuse he throw things, he yells, or he threats to call police, he currently hold my green card and all my documents. I am not allowed to leave the house, he monitor my phone [and] he have cameras around the house and he can see through his phone who arrives or who leaves. He threats take our son Pierre away if I ever leave [sic].”

Martins went on to say that Staehle has forced her to drink alcohol, and that he forced her to stop taking contraceptives. She also claims she is afraid for her family’s safety and her son’s safety if she returns home.  

‘90 Day Fiancé’ fans urge each other not to share info on Karine Martins

Since Karine Martins has fled Paul Staehle, her 90 Day Fiancé husband has been asking fans of the show to let him now if they have any news regarding her whereabouts. Despite that, many fans have been telling one another to keep her location secret if they do have information. 

One Redditor posted, in part, “Idk about ya’ll but it seems to me, based on the limited information we have, that Karine is in the process of fleeing her abuser. She may have been planning this in conjunction with DV advocates for some time or this could be a last min thing based on Paul’s increasingly erratic behavior. In any case, we know that the process of leaving an abuser is the most dangerous time for the victim/survivor. She may be hiding in shelter or hiding with friends and I think it’s important that we not aide him in his stalking attempts. It’s very clear that he’s trying to find where she is, which makes me very nervous for her.”

Most fans in the comments seemed to agree with the original poster.

‘90 Day Fiancé’ fans want TLC to take responsibility

Paul Staehle and Karine Martins of 90 Day Fiancé pose with baby Pierre
Paul Staehle and Karine Martins of 90 Day Fiancé pose with baby Pierre | pauljasonstaehle via Instagram

’90 Day Fiancé’: Paul Staehle Says Karine Martins Has Put Baby Pierre in a ‘Dangerous Situation’

Meanwhile, fans are also calling on TLC to take some responsibility for the situation, given how they’ve helped Karine Martins and Paul Staehle get together, and filmed the progression of their relationship.

One Redditor suggested, “Financing a convicted felon who is clearly mentally unstable to complete this unholy union for ratings is really a violation of some sort.”

Another user suggested TLC is looking to take advantage. They wrote, “Best believe they have eyes on it. It’s gonna make entertaining TV. Because that’s what they do…. They won’t let them go. Especially during a pandemic where it is irresponsible to be formally filming.”

“I hope if nothing else, this causes TLC to at least pause when people like Paul or Geoffrey apply for the show. There are wacky people that don’t have a legal history of abusive or violent behavior,” wrote another commenter.

How to get help: In the U.S., call the RAINN National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline at 1-800-656-4673 to connect with a trained staff member from a sexual assault service provider in your area.