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On the history of 90 Day Fiancé, there have been a number of interesting and memorable couples. However, one of the most talked about is certainly Chantel Everett and Pedro Jimeno. Their families can’t seem to get along and it makes for great television.

Chantel and Pedro go see an immigration lawyer and things don’t go well

Chantel Everett and Pedro Jimeno
Chantel Everett and Pedro Jimeno | Chantel Everett via Instagram

’90 Day Fiancé’: The Most Outrageous Moments Between Chantel, Pedro, and Their Families

On 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?, Chantel and Pedro go see an immigration lawyer since Pedro has some questions. At the time, his Green Card is going to expire in four months and he wants information on the next steps. The lawyer they speak with explains what the next step is in order for him to get a card that is good for 10 years.

Pedro asks about starting a business in the Dominican Republic, something that’s a source of tension for Chantel. She says he can’t do that because she’s in the United States and they have plans to have a family together. Chantel asks him to think about how it will be when they have children.

Pedro then inquires further about Chantel saying she doesn’t want children, to which Chantel replies, “I never said that.” Meanwhile, the lawyer looks on perplexed and unsure of what to do to calm the tension down.

Pedro then hints at the lawyer about what could happen if there are problems within the marriage. The lawyer says they don’t have to stay together in order for him to keep the Green Card. Chantel asks Pedro why he’s asking about that. He plays it off like they are there to ask questions like it’s an innocent thing.

Fans discuss a very awkward moment involving Chantel, Pedro, and an immigration lawyer

The whole situation is awkward to watch at home, so just imagine how the lawyer must have felt during the interaction. A fan posted to Reddit an image of the lawyer’s face during the conversation.

“The lawyer’s face is everyone’s face when Pedro and Chantel have the same argument in front of them,” a Reddit user posted.

One fan thinks the entirety of season 4 was just the two fighting in front of a stranger. “They probably have the most repetitive storyline this season. It’s basically, ‘Pedro and Chantel argue in front of a random stranger’ over and over,” a fan pointed out.

Obviously the entire situation was extremely awkward for the lawyer sitting there watching them argue. “The lawyer was probably thinking ‘well if you need a divorce lawyer, I know a few good ones,’” a fan wrote.

Another fan feels bad for anyone having to deal with watching the couple argue. “I felt so awkward for literally anyone who has to sit in front of them and have this same argument,” a fan said.

The lawyer also mentions that if they divorce, Chantel will be responsible for Pedro financially. “The best line hands down was when the attorney tells Chantel she would be on the hook after they divorce,” a fan wrote.

The whole situation involving Chantel, Pedro, and an immigration lawyer is arguably one of the most awkward in 90 Day Fiancé history.