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90 Day Fiancé couple Tania Maduro and Syngin Colchester seem to be returning for a second season of the hit TLC show. Tania Maduro especially has raised fan eyebrows with how she treats Colchester, her South African beau. Notably, Maduro left Syngin Colchester alone in a shed in her mother’s back yard for 30 days while she took a solo trip to Costa Rica — just after Colchester arrived in the U.S. Now, with signs pointing towards a second season with the odd couple, fans seem unsure how to feel. [Warning: possible spoilers ahead.]

Tania Maduro’s treatment of Syngin Colchester 

Tania Maduro and Syngin Colchester of  90 Day Fiancé
Tania Maduro and Syngin Colchester of 90 Day Fiancé | syngin_colchester via Instagram

One of the first big gaffes Tania Maduro made, at least in many fans’ eyes, was leaving Syngin Colchester behind in Connecticut. The pink-wearing 90 Day Fiancé star decided to spend 30 days of Colchester’s 90-day visa on an herbalism retreat in Costa Rica. 

She left Colchester behind in a small shed on her mother’s property, alone. At the time, Colchester told Maduro, “I’m literally around everything that is yours. I’m all alone in the backwoods of America, you know…So I am not at all looking forward to staying here by myself. I kind of feel lost and it sucks.”

Unfortunately, things didn’t pick up for Syngin Colchester when Tania Maduro returned. Maduro immediately got on Colchester’s case about finding work, despite his visa status in the U.S. the two also visited an astrologer, intending to have their compatibility read. 

When the astrologer asked Tania Maduro if Syngin Colchester felt like her soulmate, she said no. Colchester, meanwhile, had just said yes to the same question. Maduro revealed that her first soulmate was her first love, not Syngin Colchester. Obviously this did not go over well. 

Spotted filming ‘90 Day Fiancé’ in South Africa

Tania Maduro and Syngin Colchester of  90 Day Fiancé
Tania Maduro and Syngin Colchester of 90 Day Fiancé | syngin_colchester via Instagram

However, despite the various bumps in their relationship, it seems as if Tania Maduro and Syngin Colchester are keeping on with 90 Day Fiancé. In fact, the two have already been married, as revealed by Soap Dirt.

What’s more, Soap Dirt recently reported that the two were spotted filming in South Africa. Maduro was seen wearing something other than her signature pink shirt, chatting with Colchester at a picnic table in Cape Town while TLC camera crews filmed. 

It seems as if the couple may be filming for a season of 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After, a spinoff that follows couples after their 90 Day Fiancé marriage takes place. 

Additionally, a Reddit user recently claimed that an acquaintance of their spotted the two filming as well. They wrote, “My wife’s boss was out to dinner in Colchester, CT last night and there was a camera crew there with Tania and Syngin. Apparently Tania was in a car accident recently and was in a walking boot. She was not wearing the pink shirt. She told my wife’s boss that the episode will air in the summer. She didn’t talk to Syngin at all. She said Tania yelled at him the entire time and they reshot the scene a bunch of times. Nothing groundbreaking, but last I heard, he was back in South Africa.”

Fans react to Tania Maduro and Syngin Colchester returning

Reactions from 90 Day Fiancé fans have been mixed, but generally speaking, it seems as if many fans are frustrated with Tania Maduro. Some were hoping she and Syngin Colchester wouldn’t stay together. 

One Reddit user wrote, “If I never saw them again for the rest of my life, I’d be very happy. Tania’s arrogance and self-delusion make me want to throttle her, and Syngin’s stupidity irritates me to death. I don’t know what his background is, and perhaps I’m entirely wrong, but I get the impression that he was a person living in a not very sophisticated environment, who now has stars in his eyes from being on TV, videos, at bars and parties, etc. It’s all gone to his head. What a pity.”

Another commenter added, “Syngin is fine but I don’t want to see any more of Tania. Like Leida, she’s just insufferable.”

“I would watch one more season of them just because I love to hate her, and because I want to see this hot mess of a marriage crash and burn.,” explained another 90 Day Fiancé fan.