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90 Day Fiancé star Geoffrey Paschel has faced controversy from fans since he first arrived on the hit TLC franchise. Some fans of the show protested his arrival on the scene. Their reasoning? Paschel has been accused of abuse and more by several exes, and the case is still ongoing. Others are simply more offended by his nipple tattoos. Either way, Paschel recently took to Instagram in the wake of a canceled hearing to inform followers that he’s “categorically innocent.” 

Geoffrey Paschel accused of abuse

Geoffrey Paschel has a checkered criminal history. The 90 Day Fiancé star is currently still facing down allegations of abuse from his ex-girlfriend, among others.

In June, Paschel was arrested following a call to police from his ex-girlfriend. Since, the girlfriend has sought an order of protection. She explained to the court, “He repeatedly bashed/slammed my head into the hardwood floors of my home. He dragged me through the house by my hair and continued throwing my body into walls and furniture. I know this because of blood on my walls, furniture, etc.”

The girlfriend in question was diagnosed with a concussion after she was brought to the hospital. Police reports support her claims, explaining that “officers observed a large raised bruise on [her] forehead and abrasions on her elbows and knees.”

She also claims that Paschel disabled her phone in order to prevent her from calling 911 for assistance, and that she had to escape to a neighbor’s house to find safety.

Paschel has previously served 30 months in prison for dealing drugs. He also faced a protective order request from a different ex in 2018, who accused Geoffrey Paschel of using his children as drug mules. Of four ex-wives, three have accused Paschel of domestic violence.

Geoffrey Paschel claims he’s ‘categorically innocent’

Meanwhile, Geoffrey Paschel would have fans believe he’s absolutely innocent of the claims laid out against him. The 90 Day Fiancé suitor took to Instagram to explain his situation. 

He posted a photo of himself wearing a suit among some boulders. Paschel wrote a lengthy caption for the photo. It reads, in part, “Today was supposed to be my hearing date for the June 2019 allegations. Unfortunately, it has once again been delayed due to the pandemic. I have been very eager to go and reveal the truth surrounding the evidence in question. I have continually requested the earliest possible dates every time so that I expeditiously clear my name.”

Next, Paschel went on to bemoan having to “hide under a rock” to avoid hate. He wrote several more lengthy expositional sentences bemoaning how his situation has been reported and responded to.

He then added, “There are unscrupulous intentions behind this endeavor to defame me and it is due to the custody situations I am currently in. Consequently, the only way for the actual truth to be known, is for me to speak out. I am 100% categorically innocent and I cannot wait to share my trove of evidence…soon. From the onset of these allegations, there has always been an agenda with the sole purpose of sabotaging my custody battles. There was never any sort of accusations until court proceedings were initiated.”

Paschel claimed, “Furthermore, at no point was there any violence exhibited toward that woman or any other woman—ever.”

‘90 Day Fiancé’ fans react

90 Day Fiancé fans had mixed reactions to Geoffrey Paschel’s post. However, many lambasted Paschel for his post, especially following his behavior on the tell-all episode. 

One Instagram user wrote, “You literally threw a temper tantrum because she said she wasn’t ready yet… way to convince us you’re mentally stable.”

“I don’t know if you are guilty, but I hope you have learned your lesson with your past experiences! If you truly want to meet your soulmate, you need to treat women with respect and dignity! I was sad the way you treat The Russian girl at the airport! She has real feelings for you!!!” added another user.

One commenter simply wrote, “Whew, Varya dodged a bullet.”