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On 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, Brittany Banks has left to go back to the United States to settle her divorce, but trouble is brewing for Yazan back home. His father kicked him out and fired him from his job.

He struggles to deal with his new reality, and he asks his brother, Obaida, to talk to his father for him. However, it ends with his father threatening to “be his murderer.” How does Yazan react to learning the news?

Yazan was kicked out of his house and he lost his job

Brittany and Yazan
’90 Day Fiancé’ stars Brittany and Yazan | TLC

Yazan revealed recently to a friend that his father no longer supports a marriage between Yazan and Brittany. Apparently, a relative sent his family images of Brittany in “revealing clothes” on social media. Yazan says these pictures were “old,” but his father kicked him out of his home and fired him from his job.

“My dad said, ‘If you want the girl, don’t work,’” Yazan says. “‘Go marry her, don’t work with me. Show yourself out.'” With no home or job, he had to stay with his uncle for a day, then he found himself on the streets for a few nights, but he eventually found a place.

Yazan’s father threatens to ‘be his murderer’

Yazan asks his brother to speak to his father for him, as Yazan wants to talk with him. “Rumors” are being spread that Yazan is living with Brittany and that they’re married, having sex, and making pornography, which is just adding fuel to the fire.

But when Obaida talks to his father for Yazan, it doesn’t go well at all. Ziad shows his son a picture of Brittany that someone sent him, and he mentions that people say Yazan is dishonoring them.

“They see her photos on social media, and she’s almost naked,” Ziad says. “And this is a big deal for us.” He also mentions that his son’s uncle says “that she acts in porn films.”

“What do you think son?” Ziad asks his son. “That he would start shooting porn films, and clean up after her? After my whole life, that my dignity would be destroyed, son. Do you accept this for me, son?”

Next, Ziad actually threatens to “be his murderer.” “I want you to get to him and tell him, ‘If you marry her, your father will kill you,’” Ziad says. “I’m telling you, and I’m warning you. I swear, tell Yazan if he doesn’t reconsider, I will be his murderer.”

How does Yazan react to the news?


’90 Day Fiancé’: Brittany Banks Gets a Romantic Surprise From Yazan

Yazan goes to speak with his brother after Obaida talks with their father for him. He tells him about what happened, and Yazan seems concerned, as anyone would be in his position.

“Do you know how upset our father is?” Obaida asks. “He is extremely upset. You have to go tell him, ‘I broke up with Brittany.’ If you come and tell him, ‘I want to continue with Brittany,’ he will kill you right away. That was the end of the discussion.”

Yazan takes a deep breath out and whistles, and pushes his hands through his hair. He’s clearly stressed by what he hears, as he just wanted an invitation to go and see his father.

“Now my father has threatened me if I were to marry Brittany,” Yazan says to producers. “He did that because he is worried about the rest of the family. He has a family to protect. I come from a very conservative family. And if I disgrace them, they will disown me, or they might kill me.”

Yazan says he needs to “think” about what to do about the situation. But, he thinks he “might be able to change his mind.”

“I don’t want to be unfair to her,” Yazan admits. “When she converts to Islam, and takes my path, she is going to lose her job, she might lose some of her friends, she’s going to stay with me here in Jordan. She’s going to lose many things.” He says when they come to an “agreement,” and he shows “her how much” he “sacrificed,” he will tell her “you should sacrifice just as I did.” He says they will then “start a new life.”

His brother still insists they break up. “You didn’t see the look on our father’s face yesterday,” Obaida says.

“I am in a situation with pressure that is more than any human being can handle,” Yazan says to producers. “I am fighting for her, I am making excuses for her. I am doing the impossible to save our relationship. But I want to make sure if she really loves me or not. Because I can’t make any wrong decisions, because it might destroy my life.”

Yazan asks his brother for some time to “prove” his “decision” is right. His brother admits he’s “scared” for him.

What will happen with this volatile situation? We’ll have to see how things play out from here.