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’90 Day Fiancé’: Syngin Colchester Admits He Wouldn’t Have Married Tania Maduro If Not For the K-1 Visa Process

On a recent episode of TLC’s ’90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After,’ Syngin Colchester and Tania Maduro argued about their future together after a stressful first few months of marriage. Syngin admitted he wasn’t sure he wanted to stay in the U.S. and even confessed that he had only married Tania because the K-1 visa application required the couple to marry within 90 days.

Syngin Colchester and Tania Maduro have struggled in their marriage on the fifth season of TLC’s 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After.

Just a few months after their wedding, Tania was in a car accident that resulted in debilitating injuries. Her injuries, as well as a constant stream of physical therapy appointments, required her to stop working and stay in her home state of Connecticut rather than travel as the couple had planned to do. Syngin, a bartender from South Africa, admitted the situation sometimes left him feeling “suffocated” and doubtful about the future.

On a recent episode of 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After, Syngin and Tania argued about the future, with Syngin admitting he wasn’t even sure he wanted to stay in the U.S. In a revealing interview with TLC producers, Tania’s husband confessed that he had only married Tania when he did due to the requirements of the K-1 visa process.

Syngin Colchester and Tania Maduro
Syngin Colchester and Tania Maduro | Syngin Colchester via Instagram

Syngin admitted he was unsure about the future with Tania

During an ill-fated dinner date on a recent episode of 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After, Tania brought up the issue of future children with Syngin. Her husband dropped quite a bombshell: He didn’t know if he wanted to remain in the U.S., return to South Africa, or live somewhere else entirely.

The 90 Day Fiancé star made it clear that he didn’t enjoy living in the U.S. thus far and definitely didn’t want to raise kids there. What’s more, Syngin pointed out, Tania still didn’t believe her husband was her true soulmate—which made it hard for him to entertain future plans and include her in them.

“Before me and Tania got married, she dropped the bombshell on me: She doesn’t know if I’m her soulmate,” Syngin told 90 Day Fiancé producers. “But I decided that wasn’t worth breaking up, because it’s something we could talk through and sort through.”

Still, Tania’s comments continued to sting. “You don’t even recognize me as your soulmate,” Syngin reminded Tania, adding that he didn’t always feel confident about his commitment to his wife because of her refusal to accept him as her fated partner.

Tania began to cry about Syngin’s doubts, especially when he said he wasn’t sure he wanted to live in the U.S. Living in the U.S., she claimed, had always been part of their agreement, so his sudden reversal felt ominous to her.

“Even right now, I’m still iffy,” Syngin admitted about his long-term commitment to his wife. “I don’t know what the future holds.”

The ’90 Day Fiancé’ star confessed that he sometimes felt ‘tied down’

Tania began to break down in tears as she realized that Syngin might not be her long-term, lifelong partner after all. Calling him out for not being “grounded” and finding “balance” in his life, Tania asked her husband, “Are you ready to start a new chapter of life, Syngin?”

The 90 Day Fiancé star assured her that he felt ready. But, he explained, that didn’t mean he truly was. “I didn’t fly halfway around the world to not start a new chapter…But I almost think I wanted to start a new chapter with you, but was I ready to start a new chapter?” Syngin wondered allowed.

Syngin’s wife confessed that she was “confused” about his lack of commitment, given that they were legally married already. The time for doubts about their long-term compatibility, she suggested, had passed long ago.

Still, Syngin said, he felt “suffocated” at times by his newfound role as a caregiver to Tania while he was injured. The car accident had made everything more real for him, and now he sometimes felt “scared of being tied down.”

“I relate my freedom to how freely I can pack my s*it and leave,” Syngin said bluntly.

“But we’re in a committed relationship,” Tania reminded Syngin. “That, in itself, suffocates you a little bit.”


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Tania’s husband admitted they wouldn’t have married so quickly if it hadn’t been for the K-1 visa requirements

Syngin’s doubts didn’t end there. Tania and Syngin’s future plans were so out of alignment at times that he admitted he sometimes wondered if they were a good match long-term.

“I sometimes think, if we know this now, why are we continuing with the relationship?” Syngin told a tearful Tania.

Tania’s husband told TLC producers that he had married Tania at the time because he loved her and wanted to be with her. The only way they could be together in the U.S. was to get married within his first 90 days in the country, due to the requirements of the K-1 spousal visa. If it hadn’t been for the visa application process, he admitted, he would have waited much longer to marry Tania.

“The only reason me and Tania did get married is because of the 90 days and the K-1 visa, or else we wouldn’t have been married,” Syngin said, adding that they instead would have “tried to sort out” their issues and discuss the future in more detail first.

Syngin explained that, if he and Tania couldn’t find a compromise that made them both happy, they might very well end up getting a divorce. “Then that’ll be the end of us,” the 90 Day Fiancé star said sadly.