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90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way fans are watching Ariela Danielle adjust to a new life in Ethiopia with her boyfriend Biniyam Shibre. The New Jersey native spent time in the African country before. And in a new social media post, she insists there’s more to Ethiopia than the “poverty and desert” people associate it with. 

Ariela and Biniyam resized
Ariela and Biniyam on ’90 Day Fiance: The Other Way’ | TLC

On ’90 Day Fiancé,’ Ariela says she’s feels reluctant about giving birth in Ethiopia

Ariela first met Biniyam on a visit to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The two started dating, and a few months into their relationship, Ariela learned that she was pregnant. 

She came back to the United States for prenatal care. But when she realized Biniyam wouldn’t be able to get a visa in time for the delivery, she made the decision to give birth in Ethiopia.  

But like her parents, the 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way star was reluctant about her move. She was understandably concerned about the quality of health care she would find there. 

“I’m nervous about it because obviously they speak a different language, it’s a different culture, and they don’t have the same facilities,” she said in an early episode this season. “My biggest fear about giving birth in Ethiopia is that I won’t get the proper attention and care that they afford to you in hospitals in the U.S. I’m making a sacrifice, I hope that it turns out the way that I want it to.”

The ’90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way’ star hated her Ethiopian apartment

When Ariela first arrived in Addis Ababa, Biniyam took her to the new apartment he set up for them. She was all smiles as he walked her through the flat, but inside, she felt like the conditions of the place were barely livable. 

“This bathroom looks like something from one of the Saw movies,” she said in a confessional. “I hate it — I traveled a lot of places and lived in precarious conditions, but now we’re gonna have a baby we’re starting a family and this horrible apartment gives me second thoughts about wanting to stay in Ethiopia.”

Ariela still appreciates Ethiopia

Despite the living conditions of her new apartment, and the questionable health care system she’s faced with, Ariela still appreciates the beauty of Ethiopia. In a recent Instagram post, the 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way star shared scenic pictures of the country and noted there’s much more to it than people assume. 

“I am posting these pictures of beautiful places in Ethiopia to show the world that there is more to the country than poverty and desert,” she captioned the photos of the Simien mountains and Gonder’s Fasilides Castle.


’90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way’: Ariela and Biniyam’s Ex-Wife Have Way More in Common Than You Think

“Ethiopia is incredibly lush and green with an ancient history,” Ariela added. “It is the only country in Africa never to have been colonized. They speak over 90 languages with as many ethnic groups and cultures. I love Ethiopia and I hope after this mess is over people will visit the country.”

In a preview for the upcoming episodes, Ariela gives birth in Ethiopia with Biniyam by her side. 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way will return with new episodes in October.