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Yazan Abu Horira and Brittany Banks are dealing with significant relationship issues on 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way. Without giving Yazan the real reason, Brittany left Jordan to get her divorce finalized in the U.S. Yazan has no idea why Brittany is so distant, but he’s beginning to think his parents might have been right about her. 

Yazan and Brittany on '90 Day Fiancé'
Yazan and Brittany on ’90 Day Fiancé’ | TLC/Youtube

Yazan’s parents berated Brittany early this season on ’90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way’

Earlier on 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, Brittany moved to Jordan to be with Yazan. But soon after she arrived, Yazan’s parents berate her for lifestyle choices and pressure her to convert to Islam. Yazan’s mom insisted Brittany marry her son soon, and his father demanded that she take down her revealing photos on social media. 

“We don’t accept my son to even be in an amorous relationship or even a romantic one with…I mean, with all due respect, so you’re still on social media, and you still are as you are,” Yazan’s dad said.  “Cancel all of this. Cancel all the life you’ve been living, and you would marry Yazan.”

But when Yazan’s mom called her disrespectful, Brittany snapped back. “I’m trying to respect you guys, and I’ve been very respectful, actually, like, the last couple times I came here,” she said.

“I’m not from here,” she continued. “I don’t understand what’s going on. And I can’t speak this language, and I don’t know this culture. I’m sorry that I wasn’t born in Jordan, I’m sorry that I don’t know Islam. I’m sorry that I can’t speak Arabic, I’m sorry that I’m not good enough for Yazan. Like, I don’t get it. I’m sorry.”

Yazan was kicked out of his house because of Brittany

While in Jordan, Brittany found out that she needed to go back to Chicago to finalize her divorce. But because Yazan and his parents didn’t know she was still married, she lied and told them she was going back to visit her sister.

But while Brittany was busy sorting out her divorce issues in America, Yazan was facing all kinds of difficulties at home. On a recent episode of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, he sat down with his friend Mohammed and revealed that he was kicked out of his house and family business because of Brittany. 

“After Brittany left, I sat down with my father,” Yazan told Mohammed. “We sat down, and he started talking about Brittany. He said he is not accepting of the whole marriage, he doesn’t want it. He started asking about social media —  He started telling me that she’s playing with me, she doesn’t want to marry me. They feel that she is just lying to me.”

He said that his father told him that he needed to get out of the house if he insisted on being with Brittany. “I spent the first night at my uncle’s,” Yazan admitted.

“After that, I had to stay on the street for two days. Then I rented an apartment and looked for work. I don’t talk to anyone, I spend time alone. I swear, Mohammed, this has been the most difficult, truly the most difficult time I’ve been through.”

The ’90 Day Fiancé’ star wonders if his parents were right about Brittany.

After telling Mohammed about his family drama, Yazan then talked about his relationship issues with Brittany. He said that she’s been acting more distant.

“During our last conversation, she told me somethings that were very disturbing,” he told his friend. “It turns out it was about money. She told me, when she comes here, I pay for her plane ticket and travel expenses. That’s what’s required of me.”


’90 Day Fiancé’: Yazan Gives Brittany Banks an Ultimatum — What Does She Say?

He said that he told her has no job and no money to eat. But he felt like she was oblivious to his issues. 

I felt like she is living in another world or that she doesn’t care about me at all,” Yazan continued. “There is no care at all. If she’s really saying she loves me, she’s supposed to understand what I’m going through. Right now I feel like Brittany…I felt like what my parents were saying was correct — That’s what’s bothering me the most.”