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Yazan Abu Horira’s life just keeps getting more complicated. After unsuccessfully trying to convince the 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way star to forget about this American girlfriend, Brittany Banks, Yazan’s father, Ziad, literally threatened to kill him. 

Yazan and Brittany on '90 Day Fiancé'
Yazan and Brittany on ’90 Day Fiancé’ | TLC/Youtube

Yazan’s dad scolded Brittany on ‘90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way’

On this season of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, Brittany joined Yazan in Jordan and finally visited his parents. But rather than get a warm welcome, she was hounded with questions about her revealing social media pictures and her timeline to get married. 

“We don’t accept my son to even be in an amorous relationship or even a romantic one with…I mean, with all due respect, so you’re still on social media, and you still are as you are,” Yazan’s dad told Brittany.  “Cancel all of this. Cancel all the life you’ve been living, and you would marry Yazan.”

Yazan’s mother told Brittany that she wanted her son to get married right away so she could see him start a family.  But when Brittany tried to clear up her side of things, Yazan’s mom started screaming. 

“I’m not from here,” an emotional Brittany clapped back. “I don’t understand what’s going on. And I can’t speak this language, and I don’t know this culture. I’m sorry that I wasn’t born in Jordan, I’m sorry that I don’t know Islam, I’m sorry that I can’t speak Arabic. I’m sorry that I’m not good enough for Yazan. Like, I don’t get it. I’m sorry.”

Yazan was shunned by his dad 

Brittany went back to America to finalize her divorce. And while she was gone, Yazan tried to convince his family that she would change.

But his father insisted Brittany was lying to him, and he demanded his son end the relationship. to accept her. And when Yazan refused,  his dad kicked him out of the house and the family business. 

“My dad said, ‘If you want the girl, don’t work,’” Yazan told his friend Mohammed in a recent episode of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way. “‘Go marry her, don’t work with me. Show yourself out.’”

On ’90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way,’ Yazan’s dad threatens to kill him

Recently on 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, Yazan visited his brother Obaida to clear the air about certain rumors spread by his close family members. “They are saying that Brittany and I are already living together and are married, we had sex, they say we created pornographic movies,” Yazan told producers. “These are all lies.”

Upon meeting Obaida, he asked him to talk to their dad, Ziad, on his behalf and convince him these rumors were untrue. He also hoped his brother could sway the conversation in a way that would bring Yazan back in his good graces. 


‘90 Day Fiancé: Brittany and Yazan are Trashing Each Other in a Battle on Instagram and It’s Wild

But when Obaida went to talk to his father, things took a turn for the worst. Ziad said he had seen “almost naked” photos of Brittany on social media. And he revealed that his relative claimed Brittany “acts in porn films.”

Ziad said that Yazan’s relationship with Brittany would destroy his “dignity.” He then boldly suggested he would kill Yazan if he didn’t end things. 

“I want you to get to him and tell him, ‘If you marry her, your father will kill you,’” Ziad told Obaida. “I’m telling you, and I’m warning you. I swear, tell Yazan if he doesn’t reconsider, I will be his murderer.”

Fans will get to see more of Yazan and Brittany’s relationship drama as the season continues to unfold. New episodes of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way air Sundays on TLC.