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On 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, Brittany Banks has yet to come clean to Yazan about already being married to someone else. However, she’s moved to Jordan to start a life with him, although Yazan has no idea about this important detail. In the most recent episode, she travels to Chicago, and she doesn’t exactly tell Yazan the truth about why she’s going. Read on to learn what it has to do with her hopes for divorce.

Brittany Banks and her ex

Brittany and Yazan
’90 Day Fiancé’ stars Brittany and Yazan | TLC

Brittany told producers that she met her ex at only 17, and they had similar friends in common. They dated for a few years after he asked her to be his girlfriend. Once married, they were only together for “three or four months” according to Brittany before her husband was then deported. He is from Haiti and moved to the United States when he was only three years old.

Why was Brittany’s ex actually deported?

So why was Brittany’s ex deported anyways? There’s a whole backstory there. Starcasm reports that he was arrested a few times, including for possession of marijuana.

Then in 2014, after being in the car with someone who was pulled over for speeding, Brittany’s ex was charged with possession of a controlled substance, Xanax to be specific. Just a few months later though, he crashed his car into another vehicle and left the scene of the accident. Police eventually encountered him again, and found illegal substances.

That same year, he pled guilty to seven charges in total, which included three felonies. While on probation, he was told by ICE that the deportation process had begun. Once it was brought to light that he wasn’t a citizen of the United States, he was deported. Brittany’s ex claimed he wasn’t aware of the fact that he wasn’t a US citizen, and that he came into the country using his brother’s passport, something he only learned after the proceedings had started against him.

What Brittany Banks’ divorce has to do with why she travels to Chicago

In the most recent episode of the series, Brittany has received news that her divorce hearing is going to be happening in Chicago in just three days. Of course, she booked a flight to head off to Chicago to take care of business. But she can’t tell Yazan the truth, and instead mentions that she has stuff to do and her sister is having her baby.

“I’m not completely lying to Yazan. I’m just not telling him the full truth of why I’m going to Chicago,” Brittany tells the cameras. “Long before I met the divorce lawyer in Florida, I was living with my mom for several months in Chicago and I filed for divorce there. I never heard anything back, so I just thought nothing came of it. Then all of a sudden, the other day I got an email saying that I have a court date to settle my divorce. I’m just so nervous, I just hope everything works out.”


’90 Day Fiancé’: Brittany Banks Gets a Romantic Surprise From Yazan

Brittany says she planned to tell Yazan the truth about being married still, but she says they’re “finally in a good place.” She doesn’t want to “ruin” things. Yazan seems unsure about the whole situation, and says, “Maybe she’s lying to me or playing games with me.”

We’ll have to see how things play out from here. Is Brittany going to be able to get her divorce? Will she finally tell the truth to Yazan? Only time will tell.