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In the hit series 90 Day Fiancé and its spinoffs, one couple stands out among all the rest as having the most family drama, and that’s Chantel Everett and Pedro Jimeno. Their families can’t get along from the start and it seems to just get worse as time goes on. Read on to learn about what happens when Chantel tries to talk to Pedro’s mom and sister before her second wedding in the Dominican Republic.

Chantel and Pedro have a second wedding in the Dominican Republic, but there is drama first

Chantel Everett and Pedro Jimeno
Chantel Everett and Pedro Jimeno | chantel_j_ via Instagram

As can be expected, when Chantel and Pedro decide to have a second wedding in Pedro’s home country, there is a lot of drama that comes first. They get their families together and it doesn’t go well at all on two separate occasions. However, Chantel decides she wants to speak with Pedro’s mother, Lidia, and his sister, Nicole, before the wedding to make things better between them.

Why Chantel’s attempt to speak with Pedro’s mother and sister backfires in the worst way

Although the talk is supposed to smooth things over, it does the complete opposite. At the hotel where the wedding will be taking place, Chantel sits down with Lidia and Nicole. She apologizes for her family not getting out of the van to meet Pedro’s grandmother on a separate occasion. Eventually, Chantel asks about Pedro sending money back home to Lidia and Nicole.

“And yet, he sends his mom money every month on time and lots of gifts,” Chantel tells them. Lidia questions her about the gifts. “More gifts than he gives me,” Chantel reasons. In fairness, Pedro brought with him gifts that included dresses, a laptop, and he even purchased his family a TV, although he couldn’t get it on the plane.

Lidia explains her side of things. “He has to do it,” she says.

‘Don’t put your finger in my face’

Chantel tries to explain herself further, but is cut off by Nicole. “I don’t care about your culture,” Nicole tells her. At the time she talks, she has her finger pointed at Chantel.

“Don’t put your finger in my face,” Chantel says to her. Nicole says she isn’t doing that.

“I’m just telling you that I am sick of hearing you say the same thing over and over again,” Nicole explains.

Chantel says her voice is getting on her nerves. “Pipe down right now,” Chantel tells her and asks to speak. “If you are married to a man and live in a tiny apartment and he’s sending money to his mother every month to have three bedrooms, two bathrooms, how would you feel?” Chantel asks them. Nicole gets upset and interrupts Chantel and tells her to “Hold on.”

However, Chantel isn’t having any of it. “I spent all my savings bringing Pedro to the U.S.”

Lidia and Nicole reason that they never asked Chantel to come. “I’m not going to sit here and be disrespected by two ignorant people right now,” Chantel responds.

Things are being lost in translation


’90 Day Fiancé’: The Most Outrageous Moments Between Chantel, Pedro, and Their Families

There are definitely some things getting lost in translation since Chantel speaks English as her first language. Although she does understand some Spanish, she isn’t completely fluent, which makes the conversation that much more difficult.

“Divorce him and that’s it,” Nicole tells Chantel.

Suddenly, things change drastically for the worst. “OK wait, she just called me a f****** b****,” Chantel claims. She asks Nicole if that is the case, and she says, “Yes.” Chantel goes off and eventually walks away, but not before calling Nicole a few choice names.

It appears things weren’t completely understood and it made things that much more explosive between Chantel and Pedro’s family. The whole situation backfires in the worst way.