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As The Challenge: Total Madness continues on, we’re becoming more and more intrigued by the drama amongst castmembers. And we’ve already seen surprising hookups with veterans and rookies alike. While everyone’s in the game to win the $1 million, it looks like some will need to focus more on their gameplay than their personal lives in order to get their heads in the right place.

Some of the rookie players seem shocked by the hooking up that’s occurred so far, though. And Tula “Big T” Fazakerley spoke to the Challenge Mania podcast regarding what she noticed in her bunker room. Here’s what she said.

Kailah Casillas cheated on her longterm partner with Stephen Bear on ‘Total Madness’

Kailas Casillas came on to Total Madness more focused and determined to win than ever. She had a longterm boyfriend at home whom she’d been with for three years, and it sounded like they were talking about taking their relationship to the next level. Then, everything took a wild turn thanks to Stephen Bear. While Bear’s notorious for his cheating and scandalous ways, he continued to make advances toward Casillas until she finally admitted she had feelings for him back.

Casillas has gotten a ton of backlash for what occurred on The Challenge. At the end of the day, though, she says she regrets none of it. While she’s no longer with her longterm boyfriend or Bear, she’s found someone new — and she’s happier than ever.

“I have been silent on purpose. I’ve declined a lot of interviews, but here’s what I have to say: I was in a relationship that I wasn’t happy in for a lot of reasons, bigger than you’ll ever know,” Casillas tweeted. “What I did on 35 gave me an escape. Was it the right way? No.”

Dee Nguyen tried to make Rogan O’Connor jealous by hooking up with Jay Starrett

Aside from Casillas and Bear, another surprising hookup took place. Dee Nguyen came into the game excited to see her ex, Rogan O’Connor, as she thought they’d rekindled their flame. Unfortunately, O’Connor started flirting with Jenn Lee. This lit a fire under Nguyen, and she wanted to make O’Connor jealous back. She did this by making advances on Jay Starrett and ultimately making out with him at the bar.

On the show, it looked like Nguyen’s plan worked. O’Connor appeared jealous, and he eliminated Starrett when he had the opportunity. But O’Connor told the Challenge Mania podcast a different story. According to him, he told Starrett to hook up with Nguyen so she’d leave him alone.

“Cause I was thinking, one, he hooks up with Dee, that b*tch finally leaves me alone, and two, then I’m free to try and hook up with girls and whatever else,” O’Connor claimed.

‘Big T’ Fazakerley said there were ‘shocking’ hookups that occurred in her room


‘The Challenge’: Rogan O’Connor Said He’s an ‘Opportunist’ and Used Dee Nguyen the Whole Game

It doesn’t look like rookie player Tula “Big T” Fazakerley is getting romantic with anyone. While speaking on the Challenge Mania podcast, she noted she found Kaycee Clark attractive, though. And she also talked about the various hookups that occurred in her bunker room.

“When people actually, like, really, you know, get down to it, and being in the same room as people doing that, I found so shocking,” Fazakerley told the podcast. She then reminded listeners that her roommates were, “Dee and Rogan … Fessy, Melissa, Kyle, Johnny, Jenny, Swaggy, and … Jay.”

When asked if she had earplugs, Fazakerley laughed, “I bloody wish I did.”

We’re excited to see what else occurs on the show as Total Madness continues.

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