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Jennifer Lopez is a self-described workaholic, something Alex Rodriguez came to know well in the years they were together. Lopez believed this was sometimes a detriment to her. Rodriguez found the quality inspiring, though. He recalled a time he watched her work tirelessly to get something right.

Alex Rodriguez said Jennifer Lopez was the hardest working person he knew

For years, Lopez has prided herself on her work ethic. It has enabled her to ascend to a high level of success in show business, but she admitted that she sometimes takes on too much.

“I’m a workaholic,” Lopez told Harper’s Bazaar. “My instinct is to fill every single minute of my life with work, so I’ve had to learn balance. When you take on too much, that can be the enemy of great.”

Jennifer Lopez leans on Alex Rodriguez's shoulder. They stand in front of a blue background.
Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez | CHRIS DELMAS/AFP via Getty Images

Rodriguez found her work ethic inspiring, though. He recalled watching her prepare tirelessly for a concert.

“I watched her singing and dancing and practicing until one in the morning the other night,” he said. “She kept saying, ‘Let’s run through it again.’ I think I heard her say that 45 times. Her thirst for perfection is just awesome to watch.”

Alex Rodriguez said he still felt this way about Jennifer Lopez after their breakup

Even after their breakup, Rodriguez spoke highly of Lopez’s drive for perfection. The couple split in 2021 after getting engaged in 2019.

“Here’s what I will tell you about Jennifer, and I was telling some of my colleagues here the other day, she’s the most talented human being I’ve ever been around,” he told Martha Stewart in a conversation on her iHeartRadio podcast (per Billboard). “Hardest worker. And I think she is the greatest performer, live performer in the world today that’s alive.”

Marc Anthony also spoke about her perfectionism 

Lopez’s former husband, Marc Anthony, also grew accustomed to her relentless drive. He believed it would benefit her to take a step back sometimes. 

“She could enjoy life a little more,” he told Vanity Fair in 2011. “I mean, there are only a certain amount of hours in every day.”

Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez walk together outside. He wears a gray coat with a gray scarf. She wears a brown and white coat.
Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez | Paul Hawthorne/Getty Images

Jennifer Lopez Admitted She Was Better at Acting Than Singing

Still, he appreciated the way she pushed him to be more focused and driven. While it was hard work, he preferred it to not getting opportunities. 

“We know each other, we know when we can’t tolerate each other, and we each have that sounding board [in each other],” he said. “She’s harsh with her criticism sometimes, but it’s just because she wants me to be the best I can be. I will always be there for her. It’s a very, very dynamic life. I’m taxing myself and pushing myself to the limit, work-wise. But I’ve been faced with the phone not ringing, and that’s not fun. I’d rather this.”