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The cast of Are You the One? Season 9 is having difficulty finding their perfect matches as they’ve only earned a maximum of four beams at match-up ceremonies. Anissa Aguilar and Aqel Carson haven’t entered the Truth Booth yet, but are they a lock for a perfect match?

Anissa Aguilar and Aqel Carson are pretty much a confirmed perfect match

Are You the One? Season 9 contestants Anissa Aguilar and Aqel Carson were deemed a likely perfect match by the group and have sat next to each other four out of the possible six times.

Due to the number of times they’ve paired up and continued to receive beams points to the couple as a likely lock for a perfect match.

Several duos have remained partnered at multiple ceremonies, and the group hasn’t earned over four beams in six weeks, leading to Roz Odujebe addressing the cast.

Even though they switched nearly every pairing, they still only received one more beam. While it appears as though the match-up ceremony didn’t get them any closer, it might have confirmed that Anissa and Aqel are a lock for a perfect match.

The number of beams at match-up ceremonies appears to point to Anissa and Aqel as a perfect match

In episode 2, the group received two beams. One pair has since been confirmed as Ollie Andersen and Brooke Rachman.

Assuming Anissa and Aqel are the other, this would eliminate confirmed no-matches CC Cortez and Clay Carey and Will Gagnon and Taylor Kelly from the discussion as well as Eduardo Dickson Jr. and Danielle Bonaparte, Leo Svete and Courtney Rowe, Mikey Owusu and Roz, Sam Khan, and Dew Pineda, and “power couple” Hamudi Hasoon and Mijntje Lupgens as perfect matches.

In the third episode, they received four beams, pointing to Brendan Mosca and Julia-Ruth Smith, Ollie and Brooke, and the presumed Anissa and Aqel. This leaves Jordanne Deveaux and Eduardo, Hamudi and Danielle, Leo and Taylor, Mikey and Mijntje, Nathan Grant and Dew, Sam and Roz, and Will and Courtney as possible matches.

The fourth episode helped narrow it down as they only received one beam in addition to Julia-Ruth and Brendan. Assuming it’s Anissa and Aqel, it eliminates all the other couples from contention, including Eduardo and Jordanne, Hamudi and Mijntje, Leo and Danielle, Mikey and CC, Nathan and Roz, Sam and Taylor, and Will and Courtney.

Several ‘power couples’ in ‘Are You the One?’ Season 9 aren’t perfect matches

They earned two more beams at the fifth match-up, Ollie and Brooke and a presumed Anissa and Aqel, ruling out Clay and Roz and Nathan and Dew. The cast took Roz’s advice in the sixth episode and dramatically switched it up.

They received one new beam and didn’t know who it was as Anissa and Aqel weren’t sitting together. Mikey and CC are the only repeating couple, but they likely aren’t a perfect match due to the number of times they’ve paired up without seeing more beams.


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The new pairing between Nathan and Courtney probably caused the beam to light up as their relationship began to see more camera time, especially as she ended things with Will to pursue him. Anissa and Aqel are the only couple that works if plugged in every ceremony as a perfect match.

The other repeating ones – Eduardo and Jordanne, Hamudi and Mijntje, Leo and Danielle, Mikey and CC, and Will Courtney – don’t. For example, nearly all of them sat together during several episodes, including episode 4, when they only received one beam in addition to Julia-Ruth and Brendan. The group would have earned more beams if they were a perfect match, leaving Anissa and Aqel.