Ashley Judd Shared Why She Doesn’t Need to Have Kids of Her ‘Own’
Ashley Judd grew up in the spotlight. As the daughter of the iconic country music singer Naomi Judd, she was raised with an understanding of fame. And she has had to navigate her own way through the trials and tribulations of life as a media sensation. Still, Judd developed early on a sense of what her own needs were. Over the years, Judd has opened up about why she has chosen not to have children of her own. Instead, she prefers to focus her attention on orphaned and underprivileged youth.
What is Ashley Judd best known for?

Judd was born in 1968, before her mother rose to prominence as a country music sensation. Even as her mother’s own star was rising, Judd was determined to make her own way in the entertainment industry. She developed an affinity for acting at an early age, breaking into television and film in the early ’90s. From the start, Judd seemed to have a talent for choosing movies that made an impression. A few of her early hits included Heat, Smoke, A Time to Kill, and Where the Heart Is.
According to IMDb, Judd didn’t just want to be an acclaimed actor. From the very beginning of her career, she showed a deep passion for humanitarian efforts and charitable ventures. A political activist and dedicated philanthropist, Judd has often lent her time and talent to causes that matter to her. And she’s never hesitated to share her thoughts on important issues.
Ashley Judd admitted that she didn’t want to have children of her own
In 1999, Judd got engaged to her boyfriend, Scottish racing driver Dario Franchitti. The two tied the knot in 2001. While they were married for over 12 years, until they got divorced in 2013, the two never had children. In fact, Judd has been open about how she doesn’t want children at all.
In her memoir, Judd explained. “I do not need to go making ‘my own’ babies when there are so many orphaned or abandoned children who need love, attention, time, and care,” she wrote (via BuzzFeed). Judd wrote that she would rather focus her time and attention on making the world a better place, in an effort to “transform the world into a place where no child ever needs to be born into poverty and abuse.”
Ashley Judd is part of a famous performing family
Judd has strong feelings about remaining child-free. “Folks with our awareness and ability to contribute should … focus on the children already born and suffering so needlessly,” she wrote. As reported by Nicki Swift, Judd’s memoir was released in 2011, but she maintains the same steadfast belief that she is meant to help children who are already here.
“Over the years, I have quietly ‘adopted’ many children in America and in different parts of the global South,” she wrote. “Sending money for health care, food, schooling, and shelter in ways that are appropriate for the places where they live and which improve their chances for better lives.”
Certainly, Judd stays very busy, even though she doesn’t have children to keep her running to and from school functions. In addition to her acting and philanthropic efforts, she spends a lot of time with her famous sister, Wynonna Judd. Although the two have very different careers, they have remained close throughout their lives, and in spite of various rifts or arguments, the famous sisters always manage to find a way to reconnect.