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Something viewers won’t see on the reality TV show, Austin Dillon’s Life in the Fast Lane is Austin Dillon’s pal and NASCAR crew member Paul Swan hilariously playing “Push It” when wife Mariel went into labor.

Mariel told Showbiz Cheat Sheet that being pregnant while shooting a reality TV show was a surreal experience, which was made even wilder after the cameras stopped rolling. “The birth was really crazy,” she recalled. “My water broke and I was with my mom and was like, ‘Something’s happening and I don’t know what it is.'”

Paul Swan played ‘Push It’ when Mariel went into labor

Of course, Mariel was about to go into labor. “And when we got into the car, Paul was like, ‘Oh, I know what’s going to be great for you. So he puts on like ‘Push It’ by Salt-N-Pepa and he like, blasts it. And I thought this [song] goes much better with my contractions and stuff like that. And it was just really great having him in the room. We just talked and listened to music and I had a really great birth experience. It’s really funny because I would love some calm Christian music.”

Mariel Swan, Paul Swan, Austin Dillon, Whitney Dillon cast photo
Mariel Swan, Paul Swan, Austin Dillon, Whitney Dillon | Andrew Eccles/USA Network

Paul, who also spoke to Showbiz Cheat Sheet blurted out, “‘Push It!’ Let’s go! Christian music? You’re about to push out a baby!”

“It’s really funny,” Mariel reflected on the experience. “I think I was in labor for about an hour and 40 minutes. And it was really great. It was awesome. I mean, aside from the obvious of trying to push the baby out. But I guess the best way to explain it was like extremely intense. And like nothing I’d ever experienced in my life.”

The couple watched the entire birth

She added that her doctor brought in a mirror so she and Paul could watch the baby being born. “They put the mirror up and I was, at first, like I don’t want to see that. But I’m happy that I did now.”

“They put the mirror up and you can see everything,” Paul recalled. “And at first, I’m like, ‘Man, I’m probably not going to watch that.’ But then I like kind of crept in and kept looking … It’s actually really cool and interesting. I want to see this!”

Paul confirmed he only played “Push It” on the way to the hospital to get his wife pumped up and energized for the birth. He said playing the tune was something he did spontaneously. “That was spur of the moment,” he said. “The mind was clicking and everything was rolling. And I was like, oh I got a perfect song.”

He also said he didn’t feel the need to drive like a maniac to the hospital either. “I was pretty chill. I could tell she was still good. She wasn’t panicking or anything,” Paul said.

Which does Paul Swan find harder: changing a diaper or a tire?

Life is busier than ever now that baby Bella arrived two months ago. Paul said balancing baby and being on Austin’s crew has been an adjustment. “I knew it was going to be a challenge, but I was ready for it,” he said. “I wanted it because I told people, you’ve got to make sure you’re ready before you have kids. Like, that’s something I believe in. And we both felt like we were ready. And I felt like I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and go to work. It’s definitely been a challenge at times, but it’s been a lot of fun with everything we’ve been doing and all the different things.”


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“Changing diapers. I’ve never changed a diaper before, until Bella, so I kind of went in pretty green to it. But I think I picked it up pretty quick,” Paul added.

So which is harder? Changing baby Bella’s diaper or changing a tire on Austin’s car? “I definitely say changing the diaper is more complicated,” he admitted.

Catch Paul and Mariel Swan on Austin Dillon’s Life in the Fast Lane every Thursday night at 9:30 ET on USA Network.