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You never know what’s going to happen on The Bachelor or Bachelorette. While Peter Weber is currently taking center stage as the star of the show, fans and contestants alike were shocked to see ex-Bachelorette Hannah Brown, the one who broke his heart, making a few brief visits to Weber. As for Brown, it appears she’s still single — and no one can forget what happened between her and her ex-fiancé, Jed Wyatt.

Wyatt won Brown’s heart through his false promises and excellent guitar-playing skills. But he had many secrets he was keeping from her, which ultimately resulted in heartbreak for Brown. Now, Wyatt is still planning on continuing with his music career, and he even put out a new song. Unfortunately for him, his followers are still dragging him for using his platform to launch his music career.

Jed Wyatt’s ex-girlfriend exposed him for only going on ‘The Bachelorette’ for fame

Jed Wyatt proposing to Hannah Brown on 'The Bachelorette'
Jed Wyatt proposing to Hannah Brown on ‘The Bachelorette’ | Mark Bourdillon via Getty Images

Fans knew something was amiss with Wyatt after his family didn’t appear to approve of Brown dating him. But she followed her heart anyway and chose him over Weber and Tyler Cameron. Unfortunately, we know it all backfired in the end, as Wyatt’s ex-girlfriend then claimed he was only on the show to boost his career.

Stevens told Us Weekly that Wyatt was telling her he loved her up until the moment he left on a plane to be on the show. They allegedly planned to put their relationship on hold for six weeks while he went on The Bachelorette in an attempt for exposure.

“In hindsight, I’m embarrassed that I let myself be on the back burner that way. I’m still a strong, independent woman,” she told the publication. “I look back now and I’m like, ‘Why did you do that, Haley? Why did I not just walk away?'”

Once Wyatt returned home from the show, though, Stevens knew something was amiss. He didn’t return her calls for two weeks and only later confronted her at a music festival.

Fans have been making fun of Wyatt for months for still not making it big

Brown was obviously unhappy with the way things went down with Wyatt. And since Brown has such a loyal fanbase, fans had no problem sending him hate mail.

“Threatening letters and phone calls have been sent to our homes. My parents and sister are being verbally attacked in public. I beg you to remember what seems like a harmless action is damaging to real people,” Wyatt warned on Instagram.

Even with his post, fans still made fun of him for failing to successfully launch his music career immediately post-Bachelorette.

“So glad that you ruining Hannah’s bachelorette experience got you famous – you should be so proud,” a follower commented on Wyatt’s photo of him playing guitar.”

“People are saying that you bombed hard at this event and sang way off key. Care to explain?” another wrote.

They’re still dragging him after he launched new music

Despite Wyatt’s bad reputation following his Bachelorette stunt, he’s not giving up his dreams of being a famous musician. He posted a clip of a new song he launched in January 2020 to Instagram titled “Risk.” While some of his supporters are into it, many more took to the comments of the post to continue dragging him.

“It’s coming full circle. He hurt women who cared about him for publicity and now he is cashing in,” a follower commented.

Wyatt even replied to that comment with, “surely you’re smarter than that.”

Another follower wrote, “cringe to the next level.”

Yet another added, “It’s a no for me….”

Will Wyatt achieve any big-time success with “Risk” (or any of his other tunes which we’ll surely hear of later)? We’re not sure. But it seems the majority of his fans likely won’t be Bachelorette viewers.

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