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Peter Weber’s season of The Bachelor is just as messy and dramatic as we imagined it would be. While many of the contestants are getting flack from fans, few got as much backlash as Blake Horstmann from The Bachelorette and Bachelor in Paradise. While he was a fan favorite on Becca Kufrin’s season, he ruined all credibility after his debacle with the women in Paradise.

Horstmann and Tayshia Adams dated briefly in Paradise before partying ways and pursuing different relationships. But it seems they may still keep in touch, as Horstmann commented on a flirty Instagram post Adams added right before Valentine’s Day. Here’s what she posted and what he wrote.

Blake Horstmann and Tayshia Adams established an early connection on ‘Bachelor in Paradise’

Blake Horstmann from 'The Bachelorette' holding a Cold Brew Martini at the Rethink Food's Cold Brew Cafe
Blake Horstmann from ‘The Bachelorette’ holding a Cold Brew Martini at the Rethink Food’s Cold Brew Cafe | Tom Cooper/Getty Images for Pernod Ricard

Horstmann built quite a reputation for himself on Bachelor in Paradise. Like many others from the show, he went to Stagecoach Festival prior to Paradise and built quite a few connections to the ladies he knew he’d see on the beach. But it didn’t go over well for him.

When Caelynn Miller-Keyes entered the scene, she told others in Paradise that while she was seeing Horstmann, he was busy messaging other girls, like Adams and Hannah Godwin. Miller-Keyes later claimed that Horstmann totally ghosted her despite their strong connection.

We know Horstmann and Adams went on an early date in Paradise, too, which didn’t go over well with Godwin. But the romance didn’t last. All in all, it doesn’t seem like Adams holds any grudges against Horstmann. In fact, when Horstmann released texts between him and Miller-Keyes to the media in order to clear his name of any wrongdoing, Adams stood up for him.

“I mean those are personal, but I do feel like there was always more to the story than everyone was leading on,” People reports Adams told the Bachelor Happy Hour podcast in regards to the texts.

Adams pursued a relationship with John Paul Jones post-‘Paradise’

While Adams and Horstmann never reconnected in Paradise, it didn’t stop Adams from forming other strong bonds. She and John Paul Jones had a ton of fun together on the beaches of Mexico. And while she left Paradise without dating Jones, she realized her mistake once returning home. This led Adams to promptly finding Jones in real life and asking him to give her another chance.

The two dated for months after Paradise. And Jones seemed totally smitten with Adams for the duration of their relationship. Despite moving to California from Maryland to be closer to Adams, they couldn’t make their relationship work. Adams alluded to the Bachelor Party podcast that Jones’ maturity may have been an issue.

“If you’re choosing to have that stuff go in one ear and out the other, that’s on you,” Adams said on the podcast. “I told him, I’m like honestly, ‘I just want you to experience a little more life. I feel like you just need to live a little bit and learn a little bit because I feel like I can only do so much.'”

Horstmann is now commenting on Adams’ Instagram

Adams appears to be single, and she told her Instagram followers that she’s mainly focusing on family for now. And Horstmann doesn’t appear to be dating anyone either. Since the world of The Bachelor is a small one, it wouldn’t surprise us if they’re both in the same social circles. But Horstmann is also making his presence known on Adams’ Instagram.

“Looking for my soymate for Friday,” Adams cheekily captioned an Instagram post a day before Valentine’s Day. The post shows her enjoying sushi by herself.

There are plenty of folks who commented suggesting they’d love to go out with Adams. And Horstmann commented clapping emojis followed by “on the pun.”

The comment from Horstmann wasn’t flirty, but could there be something else going on here? His words certainly didn’t go unnoticed, as nearly 40 people “liked” his comment.

We’re not sure if Horstmann and Adams are just friends or if they have the potential for more, but we’ll see!

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