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[SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers ahead for Big Brother 22.]

Hours before the sixth eviction of Big Brother 22, allies David Alexander, Da’Vonne Rogers, and Kevin Campbell agreed to switch their vote. Even though all three followed through, Nicole Franzel didn’t and framed David. Da’Vonne believed Nicole and called David an “Uncle Tom” for flipping.

David Alexander, houseguest on the CBS series Big Brother
David Alexander, houseguest on the CBS series Big Brother | Sonja Flemming

Da’Vonne Rogers, David Alexander, Kevin Campbell formed an alliance

During Week 6 of Big Brother 22, Head of Household Dani Donato Briones nominated the only two people she didn’t have an alliance or safety pact with, David Alexander and Kevin Campbell.

However, David saved himself by using his Disruptor power, forcing Dani to select ally Tyler Crispen on the spot. Da’Vonne Rogers then won Power of Veto and expressed why she wanted to save her friend Kevin to her supposed ally, Dani.

The HOH attempted to dissuade Da’Vonne from using it because she had to nominate Ian Terry due to her “untouchable” status with Cody Calafiore, Nicole Franzel, Memphis Garrett, Christmas Abbott, and Enzo Palumbo.

The number of people that Dani refused to touch alarmed Da’Vonne, so she used the Veto to save her friend and force the HOH to show more of her cards. Dani ended up nominating Nicole’s final two ally Ian.

When Da’Vonne, David, and Kevin all met and compared notes, they realized they’re on the outs of a large alliance. Therefore, the three officially aligned and called themselves The House.

The House’ voted to keep Ian Terry

The allies thought Dani wanted to eliminate Tyler because she vocalized her desire to get him out of the house several times. However, the HOH is working with Tyler in The Committee, which includes Memphis, Christmas, Nicole, and Cody, so they planned on saving the BB20 runner-up from the start.

The Committee lied and made it seem like they would give Ian their vote because they didn’t want to upset the former winner. On the day of eviction, David came up with a plan for The House to vote to keep Ian because they thought Nicole would also vote for her friend.

Their four votes would then cause a tie, and the allies thought Dani would break it in Ian’s favor. In either case, David wanted the HOH to show more of her cards. However, Kevin told Dani and Nicole about their plan.

Therefore, Nicole decided not to give Ian a sympathy vote and instead framed David for flipping.

Da’Vonne called David an ‘Uncle Tom’ after believing he flipped

After Ian left in a 5-3 vote, Da’Vonne held Nicole while she wept over her friend’s eviction before facing off in the upcoming HOH competition. Sometime after they finished, Da’Vonne and David apparently got into an argument because she believed Nicole and thought David voted to evict Ian.

During the disagreement, Da’Vonne called David an “Uncle Tom,” a derogatory term used to describe a Black man who “sells out” their race. The interaction wasn’t caught on the Live Feeds, but Enzo and David briefly talked about it after the HOH competition before the cameras cut from them.


‘Big Brother 22’: Fans Call Nicole Franzel Out for Trying To Manipulate Viewers After Not Saving Ally

Kevin brought it up again the following morning and told Da’Vonne that David felt “bad” when she called him the epithet because he “realized what he was doing.” Fans are hoping the two can figure out their misunderstanding and continue working together.

Big Brother 22: All-Stars airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST on CBS.

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