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During the sixth week of Big Brother 22, Da’Vonne Rogers won her first competition in three seasons of competing, a Power of Veto. She then used the POV on Kevin Campbell, securing an ally in him and guaranteeing an ally of Dani Donato Briones went home. Da’Vonne’s win was not only significant in the way it changed the course of the week, if not season, but also marked the first time a Black woman won a POV in over 10 years.

Da'Vonne Rogers of the CBS series Big Brother
Da’Vonne Rogers of the CBS series Big Brother | Monty Brinton

Da’Vonne Rogers won Power of Veto during ‘Big Brother 22’ Week 6

Following Bayleigh Dayton’s eviction, Da’Vonne Rogers didn’t have any official allies moving forward. Even though she agreed to join an all-girls’ alliance with Dani Donato Briones, Nicole Franzel, and Christmas Abbott, she didn’t trust them, and they don’t genuinely want to work with her.

However, she still had a friend Kevin Campbell. When he ended up on the block that week, she wanted to save him because she previously lost Bayleigh.

She then won the Power of Veto competition, which required her to make a pyramid with tiny beer cans using giant tweezers, marking her first competition victory in three seasons.

After her win, she spoke to Dani, who pleaded with her not to use the Power of Veto, and the HOH named multiple other houseguests as her “untouchables,” or people she couldn’t nominate.

Therefore, Dani didn’t want Da’Vonne to use the POV because she would have to backdoor Four Prime ally Ian Terry as a last resort.

Da’Vonne used Power of Veto on Kevin

Even though several houseguests tried to convince Kevin and Da’Vonne that they would vote out the other nominee if he remained on the block, the three-time competitor couldn’t take the risk.

Additionally, she figured out there had to be a big alliance working together in the house due to her lengthy conversation with Dani. Wanting the HOH to show more of her cards and create an ally with Kevin, Da’Vonne used the Veto on her friend.

As a result, Dani nominated an unsuspecting Ian and attempted to assure him he only served as a pawn. However, the majority alliance wanted to save other nominee and alliance member Tyler Crispen, so Ian left the house in a 5-3 vote.

Da’Vonne breaks streak of black women not winning Power of Veto

In 2002, Big Brother 3 runner-up Danielle Reyes became the first female and Black woman to win a Power of Veto in the US franchise history. She also won it again in Week 6 of BB7 (2006), effectively saving herself from eviction.

The following year, Jameka Cameron won a POV competition in Week 4 of BB8. Da’Vonne winning the POV in BB22 is the first time a Black woman won it since Jameka 14 seasons prior.


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A major reason for this is that there have only been 13 Black female contestants, one of which was evicted only hours after entering. Additionally, many have historically gone home pre-jury.

Big Brother 22: All-Stars airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 8 p.m. EST on CBS.

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