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At the end of Big Brother 23 episode 16, host Julie Chen Moonves revealed viewers could vote to give their favorite houseguests BB Bucks for them to spend in the High Rollers Room in exchange for “game-changing powers.” Here’s how to vote for your favorite players to win an ability to further their game.

Claire Rehfuss, Hannah Chaddha, Derek Xiao, and Alyssa Lopez pose for 'Big Brother 23' cast photos
‘Big Brother 23’ houseguests, Claire Rehfuss, Hannah Chaddha, Derek Xiao, and Alyssa Lopez | Cliff Lipson/CBS/Getty Images

A new room has opened in the ‘Big Brother 23’ house for powers

Following the latest eviction, host Julie Chen Moonves announced a new room, the High Rollers Room, opened up for the houseguests to win powers.

Like the BB App Store (BB20), viewers vote to give their favorite players an ability to help further their chances in the game. However, this season there are a few differences.

As explained by Moonves, America will vote to give the houseguests BB Bucks. The top three players will earn $100, the next three will pocket $75, and then the rest will walk away with $50.

They can then use the bucks to play three different casino games to win three “game-changing powers,” including the ability to remove yourself from the block, win a second Power of Veto, and take over a Head of Household reign.

More substantial powers cost more BB bucks, and houseguests can save money for other special abilities throughout the competition. Viewers can vote by texting the houseguests’ names to 97979. Voting ends on Aug. 13 at noon EST.

The jury phase has officially begun

After Travis Long, Brandon “Frenchie” French, Brent Champagne, Whitney Williams, and the most recently evicted houseguest were sent home, Moonves informed the remaining 11 contestants they made it to the jury phase of the game.

With the Cookout alliance making it, they have made franchise history by having seven minorities on the jury. Additionally, Claire earned safety until this phase when she won a Wildcard Competition. She is no longer immune and eligible for eviction if she isn’t the HOH or the Power of Veto holder. 

All the alliances heading into ‘Big Brother 23’ Week 6

Despite the personality clashes, the Cookout alliance is still going strong with six allies and their pawns. For example, Azah Awasum and Derek Frazier have Britni D’Angelo, Xavier Prather has a former King’s teammate (either Christian Birkenberger, if he stayed, or Alyssa Lopez), Tiffany has Claire Rehfuss, Hannah Chaddha has Derek Xiao, and Kyland Young has Sarah Beth Steagall if she remained in the house.

Within “the six,” Kyland, Derek F., and Xavier have a final three, and Tiffany, Hannah, and Xavier are working closely together.


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Derek F. has final two’s with both of the guys, Xavier’s only pact lies with Derek F., and Tiffany and Hannah have promised to take each other to the end.

Kyland also has final two deals with Sarah Beth (Too Sweet) and Derek X. (Rush Hour 4). Even though Derek X., Claire, and Tiffany work closely with Kyland in the Detectives, they don’t trust the latter, wanting to replace him with Xavier. Big Brother 23 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on CBS.