‘Big Brother 24’: Fans Are Accusing Daniel Durston of Making a Racially Charged Comment
Someone made a racially charged comment as the Big Brother 24 Houseguests prepared dinner after the second Power of Veto competition. Many fans believe it came from 35-year-old Vegas performer Daniel Durston.
Fans are accusing Daniel Durston of making a racially charged comment
Following the second Power of Veto competition, several Houseguests, including Nicole Layog, Monte Taylor, Daniel Durston, Kyle Capener, and Michael Bruner, gathered in the kitchen to make dinner.
Nicole, a Florida-based private chef, taught Monte how to cut an onion properly, and he applauded his work, noting, “look at the boy, cheffin’!”
Another Houseguest, seemingly Terrance Higgins, agreed, adding, “Boyardee-ing,” referring to the canned pasta meal, Chef Boyardee. Someone, who many believe was Daniel, then took the joke further, including “Chef Boyard-Negro.” Immediately following it, the Live Feeds switched all four cameras to Jasmine Davis and Matt “Turner” in the living room.
It isn’t clear who made the racially charged comment, but several fans are accusing Daniel because the voice appears different from Monte and Terrance’s and seems to match the Elvis Presley tribute artist. However, others disagree and believe it came from Monte.
Many fans don’t like how Daniel treats Taylor Hale
Many fans already don’t like Daniel due to his treatment of Taylor Hale last week as Head of Household. When it came time to name her the replacement nominee, he rudely told her that she rubbed others the wrong way and encouraged her to make amends.
After she ended up staying last week, even though she seemed prime to exit the competition first, Daniel continued to ostracize her.
The Nevada native claims she follows him around everywhere and has gotten so annoyed with it that he proclaimed he “hated” her at one point and said she didn’t “deserve to live normal” as a result.
When discussing the upcoming plan for the week, he noticed Taylor seemed on her way to the Head of Household room and ran out, not wanting to be bothered by her. Several Live Feed viewers don’t appreciate his actions toward the Michigan-based pageant queen, referring to him as “so aggressive.”
Daniel previously backdoored Taylor
Big Brother 24 kicked off with a set of competitions to determine the season’s first Head of Household winner. Daniel ended up pulling out the win, becoming the first HOH.
Wanting to keep the blood off his hands so early in the season, he opted for lower targets, including Terrance and Michael, with his sights set on the latter due to his super fandom. Correctly identifying himself as the target, Michael channeled his inner Janelle Pierzina and saved himself with the Power of Veto, temporarily sending Daniel spinning as he didn’t have a backup plan.
However, one presented itself in Taylor when the house turned on her, especially after a conversation she had with Monte got convoluted.
He decided to backdoor her, believing he had the support of the other Houseguests to get her out that week unanimously. In a surprising turn of events, his ally Paloma Aguilar left the competition due to mental health, resulting in all three people that Daniel nominated remaining in the house. Big Brother 24 airs Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays on CBS.