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Big Brother houseguests are starting to make their alliances. The Head of Household (HOH) agreed to a male alliance after having a rocky second day.

[SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers ahead for Big Brother 24 live feeds on July 8, 2022.]  

The HOH in week 1 of  ‘Big Brother 24’ had an awkward start

Daniel Durston won Head of Household (HOH). As a superfan, he expected many houseguests to talk game with him afterward, but that didn’t happen. He managed to make a final two deal with Nicole Layog. He vented to her that he wanted people to go up to him. That makes his nominations a little complicated.

He can’t nominate Joe “Pooch” Pucciarelli, Brittany Hoopes, Paloma Aguilar, and Alyssa Snider because of the backstage twist. However, Brittany, Paloma, and Alyssa are still in danger of going home.  

Daniel gets his male alliance on ‘Big Brother 24’

It took some time, but Pooch and Matt “Turner” Turner approached Daniel about working together on July 8. They talked about getting some bigger competition threats like Kyle Capener and Monte Taylor in for help and as shields. But they agreed Daniel, Pooch, and Turner are the core trio.

They agreed to talk to Kyle and Monte later in the day about working together. They also proposed getting them to come up with an alliance name to make them feel comfortable and like it’s their idea.

They left, and Daniel addressed the cameras. He revealed his possible plan for who to put on the block.

 Daniel considers nominating Terrance and Michael

Joe 'Pooch' Pucciarelli, who is the Backstage Boss on 'Big Brother' Season 24, wears a pink button-up shirt and a backstage pass around his neck.
Joe ‘Pooch’ Pucciarelli | Photo: CBS

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 The HOH talked about nominations to fans after the meeting. “Easiest way out might be Michael and Terrance [Higgins] on the block,” he said to himself. He groaned and admitted to liking Terrance.

Michael hung out with Daniel and Brittany Hoopes yesterday. But he’s usually quiet in every group hang out in the house, and it seems to be hurting his game. 

Since Terrance is more social, it’s possible he’ll stay over Michael if they’re on the block. But the backstage twist can still throw a wrench into Daniel’s plans because someone backstage could go home. America is voting online to keep Brittany, Paloma, or Alyssa safe.

It’s still unknown what will happen to the two people left in danger. The host was asked about this after the episode. “Excellent question,” Julie Chen Moonves said in her interview with Entertainment Weekly. “I was wondering the same thing!  Lol. We haven’t had the meeting yet where they explain that to me. Sorry.” So fans and houseguests are left with only theories until it’s explained. Fans can vote until July 14 at 9 p.m. EST online. Each person can vote up to 10 times for who they want to keep safe.