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Big Brother 24 fans weren’t happy with how Indy Santos initially treated Taylor Hale in the house. However, toward the end of her time in the game, Indy started to make amends with the eventual winner. And following the finale, she and Taylor are on excellent terms. Indy has even gained favor among fans because she’s willing to address her faults and admit when she was wrong. And she recently acknowledged why she was jealous of Taylor.

Indy Santos and Joseph Abdin, who starred in 'Big Brother 24' on CBS, sit next to each other on a couch during the jury round table. Indy wears a royal blue long-sleeved dress. Joseph wears a black shirt and black jeans with ripped knee holes.
Indy Santos and Joseph Abdin | Photo: CBS

Indy apologized to Taylor for her actions inside the ‘Big Brother 24’ house

During week one of Big Brother 24, Indy aligned with the other women in the Girls Girls alliance. And as viewers remember, that alliance did everything in its power to exclude Taylor. They, along with many other houseguests, called her a “pageant girl” and utilized microaggressions to paint a target on her back.

However, week after week, Taylor survived eviction. And at one point, she sat next to Nicole Layog on the block, and Indy prophesized that Taylor would win if she stayed. And she was right.

In week six, Taylor won the Head of Household competition, and everything that followed was chaos. The target changed multiple times, but by eviction night, Indy became the first jury member. Before she could leave, though, Indy started to mend her relationship with Taylor. She realized the error of her ways at the beginning of the game and changed her tune regarding Taylor. In the end, Indy voted for Taylor to win.

After the Big Brother 24 finale, Indy has been very vocal on social media regarding Taylor’s mistreatment and the importance of mental health. And she has called out her fellow houseguests, who disrespected Taylor inside and outside the house.

Indy reveals why she envies Taylor

On Thursday, Oct. 20, Taylor reunited with Indy and Joseph Abdin in Los Angeles. And Indy posted a video on her Instagram story explaining her jealousy of Taylor.

“Guys, that was one thing that I always tell her, Day 1, I told her, ‘I’m not jealous if you guys have a rich husband or have a lot of money or a nice car, a nice life.’ I don’t care about that,” Indy said. “I only care if you eat, like, Lay’s all day long, and you don’t get an extra pound. So, that’s what I’m jealous of. So, from Day 1, you guys know, I’m jealous of Taylor because of that.”

She continued, “So, it’s not about the man. It’s not about Joseph. I don’t want Joseph. But I want the body.”

Throughout the video, Indy was laughing with Taylor, so it’s clear that they’ve become friends after Big Brother 24.


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Are Taylor and Joseph dating?

Although Indy’s confession adds fuel to the fire that Taylor and Joseph’s relationship is turning romantic, they aren’t officially dating after escaping the Big Brother 24 house. Or, at least, they haven’t announced that to the world. During a conversation with The Reality Kingdom, Taylor explained why she and Joseph are taking things slow.

“There have been moments where I have felt inseparable from Joseph,” Taylor shared. “I know that he and I, whatever we end up being, whether it’s a long-term relationship, married with kids, or the closest friendship in the world like Janelle [Pierzina] and Kaysar [Ridha] to this day, he is someone that right now I want to be bonded to forever. But I don’t want that to be trauma bonding.”

The Big Brother 24 winner continued, “So I need him in this time, and he needs me in this time. But for exploring the rest of our relationship, that’s the reason why we are taking therapy, to make sure our heads are right. So that when and if we do enter that romantic relationship, we have the capacity and the bones set for a long-term experience. Because I don’t want this to fall apart after two months.”

Big Brother 24 is available to stream on CBS.