‘Big Brother 24’: Kyle Says He’s ‘Prepared’ to Get Booed by the Live Audience
Big Brother 24 houseguest Kyle Capener thinks he might walk out of the house to boos from the live audience instead of applause, noting he’s already “prepared” for it.
Kyle Capener ‘prepared’ to get booed by the live audience
After Brittany Hoopes and Michael Bruner exposed Kyle Capener’s pitch to align against the non-white houseguests, assuming they were working together similar to last season’s Cookout, his showmance and girlfriend Alyssa Snider dumped him.
However, she claimed she ended their romance due to him not fighting for her in the house. The breakup didn’t seem to stick as the two hooked up later that night, and she noted she wanted to watch the season back before deciding if they could work in the real world.
They continued to spend time together in the house as he only had a few days left before his probable eviction. Kyle asked if the usually cheering live audience would boo him in one conversation.
Alyssa claimed she wasn’t sure but didn’t think so, and Kyle admitted that he’s “prepared for it.”
Kyle rubbed viewers wrong when he pitched an alliance against non-white houseguests
There is a chance the audience could boo Kyle as the perception shifted when he began expressing concern that the non-white houseguests were secretly working together.
Therefore, he pitched an alliance with the remaining white houseguests to Brittany and Michael. When Matt “Turner” turned on the Leftovers after the Split House twist and nominated former allies, Taylor Hale and Brittany, Michael correctly sniffed out that he was the target.
The comp beast saved himself and Brittany with the Power of Veto and went to work to protect his alliance. Michael and Brittany successfully turned the house against Kyle, including Head of Household Turner, who backdoored his final two partner.
When Kyle first began revealing his theory about the non-white houseguests, it upset many viewers as they considered the pitch “racist” as he had no proof to substantiate his beliefs. They wanted CBS to intervene and called the network out on social media when it cut its Live Feeds.
2 other ‘Big Brother’ houseguests have gotten booed
When Aaryn Gries was evicted from Big Brother 15, Julie Chen Moonves asked her about offensive comments she made about the minority houseguests.
After blaming it on her “Southern” upbringing, she insisted she didn’t mean any harm by her words. The host read back some of her remarks, and the Texas native claimed she didn’t remember, resulting in loud boos from the live audience.
Christine (Brecht) Kominek of season 16 spent time in the house cuddling up with Cody Calafiore while she had a husband. The allies apparently had a flirty relationship which rubbed some viewers the wrong way as they considered her actions cheating.
When Christine was evicted, she walked out of the house to a round of boos instead of applause, as the audience wanted to let her know what they thought of her behavior. It’s rumored that CBS no longer allows those in attendance to boo following Christine’s experience. Big Brother 24 airs Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays on CBS.