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The transition from the final four to the final three in Big Brother is always the most tedious and longest week in the house. With very few players left, there is typically not a lot of drama or game talk. But there are always discussions regarding who the houseguests would bring to the final two if they win the last Head of Household competition. And per Big Brother 24 spoilers, Taylor Hale has already made up her mind.

[Spoiler alert: This article contains spoilers from the Big Brother 24 live feeds.]

Taylor Hale, who, according to 'Big Brother 24' spoilers, made the final three, wears a red dress and the HOH key around her neck.
Taylor Hale | Photo: CBS

Taylor is the current HOH in ‘Big Brother 24’

During the live eviction on Thursday, Sept. 15, Matthew Turner voted for Alyssa Snider, and Brittany Hoopes voted for Taylor. So the HOH, Monte Taylor, had to break the tie. He decided to send Alyssa packing and saved Taylor from eviction.

At the HOH competition, Taylor won, securing her spot in the final three. And due to conflicting reports from Turner and Brittany about the previous vote, Taylor put them on the block. Nominations don’t matter at the final four, though, since the Power of Veto winner holds all of the power.

At the POV competition, Monte won, securing his spot in the finale and his role as the sole vote in the live eviction episode on Thursday, Sept. 22. Despite Brittany’s attempts to get him to save her, Big Brother 24 spoilers indicate that Monte will undoubtedly vote to evict Brittany. So the final three will be Taylor, Monte, and Turner.

Taylor wants to take Monte to the final 2

After Monte and Taylor kissed, the two became inseparable in the Big Brother 24 house. And their game relationship grew stronger as a result. Unfortunately, Monte broke up with Taylor after an incident involving headphones. The whole situation was blown out of proportion, and fans have called Monte out for his alarming behavior toward Taylor.

Nevertheless, Monte promised to take Taylor to the final two over Turner, even though Turner would bring Monte to the final two chairs. The former showmance is on the outs currently, but Monte may believe that his best chance to win is against Taylor.

Taylor’s ideal final two scenario is her and Brittany, but that won’t be possible after Thursday, Sept. 22. So Taylor believes that her next best option is Monte. The remaining houseguests perceive Turner as a major threat to win the game and don’t want to sit next to him in the final two.

On Monday, Sept. 19, Taylor told Monte that she would take him to the end over Brittany if he kept her. And when he asked her why, she explained to him, “I was livid last year. I understand why, but it didn’t sit right with me when Xavier [Prather] could have took Azah [Awasum] and still won.”

So Taylor’s reasoning for wanting to bring Monte to the end is that she would rather go up against a stronger player than someone she would be guaranteed to win against. As fans recall, Big Brother 23 winner Xavier took Derek Frazier to the final two instead of Azah because he knew he would win over Derek.


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Why Taylor should evict Monte if she wins the final HOH competition of ‘Big Brother 24’

Although Big Brother 24 spoilers tell us that Taylor would evict Turner if she won the final HOH competition, she shouldn’t.

Turner has awful jury management. And we believe that the sequestered evicted houseguests would be more inclined to vote for Monte over Turner. Jasmine Davis, Michael Bruner, Joseph Abdin, Brittany, and Alyssa have all been burned by Turner. And that’s five votes, which is enough to win the game.

Taylor still has a good shot at winning against Monte, but her chances are better if she takes Turner. And if we’re being honest, it would be an awful end to the season if Monte wins against Taylor, especially after what he’s said to her this past week.

A new episode of Big Brother 24 airs Thursday, Sept. 22, at 9 p.m. ET on CBS. In the meantime, check in to Showbiz Cheat Sheet for more Big Brother 24 spoilers.

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