‘Big Brother’ 25 Week 6: Cirie’s Alliance Crumbles Thanks to Cory
A vote flip is seemingly underway in CBS’s Big Brother Season 25 Week 6. Cameron Hardin won Head of Household, throwing Izzy Gleicher and Felicia Cannon up for nomination. While Cirie Fields’ alliance appeared to maintain power at the start of the week, Cory Wurtenberger is changing everything.
[Spoiler alert: Big Brother Season 25 Week 6 spoilers ahead.]
‘Big Brother’ Season 25 Week 6 shows Cory Wurtenberger crippling Cirie Fields’ alliance
Big Brother Season 25 Week 6 shows the tides are turning against Cirie Fields and her alliance. Cirie has been controlling the game from the beginning, as she created a close alliance with Izzy Gleicher and Felicia Cannon. Additionally, she has her son, Jared Fields, helping to protect her gameplay. But Cirie’s house of cards may come down, thanks to Cory Wurtenberger.
Cory and America Lopez developed a close relationship at the start of the competition, and they finally shared a kiss midway through the competition. Like Jared and Cirie, Cory and America are closely aligned and will likely continue to protect each other until the end. In week 6, Izzy, up for nomination, told Cory that she intends to target America in the coming weeks. This didn’t sit well with Cory, and it sprung him into action.
Cory pulled together Jag Bains, Bowie Jane, and Mecole Hayes to vote against Izzy in week 6. He also spoke to Matt Klotz, hoping to get Matt to flip on Cirie. While Felicia and Cirie were close, Felicia and Izzy were closer — and voting out Izzy would certainly affect Cirie’s armor moving forward.
Additionally, the live feeds showed Cory speaking to Mecole about the game moving forward. He and Mecole created a new alliance — the Writer’s Room — and bonded over targeting a common enemy. They also discussed pulling Felicia into the fold.
Thanks to Cory rallying the group together, the house is starting to see how Cirie’s taken control of the game with Jared by her side. By the end of week 6, it looks like Cirie’s alliance will only consist of Jared and Blue.
Only a few houseguests know that Cirie Fields and Jared Fields are related
Cirie Fields has done a great job keeping her relationship with Jared Fields a secret. But a few houseguests know that the mother and son are related. By Big Brother Season 25 Week 6, Blue Kim and Izzy Gleicher know the truth.
Jared spilled the truth to Blue. He and Blue are deeply involved in a showmance, which prompts Jared to tell Blue the truth. This could certainly hurt his and Cirie’s gameplay, though, as Blue can now use their secret as ammunition. So far, Blue hasn’t caused chaos with the truth — but it’s only a matter of time.
Big Brother Season 25 airs on Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays on CBS.
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