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Big Brother has 24 seasons full of dramatic blindsides and shocking twists. But every once in a while, a player who is ready to make great television on their way out of the house comes along. So we’ve rounded up the five best Big Brother eviction exits, including one from season 24.

Brittany Hoopes and Michael Bruner during the 'Big Brother 24' double eviction. Brittany, who is sitting in the nomination chairs, wears a dark gray pullover over a red shirt. Michael, who is standing up to give a speech, wears a light blue shirt, gray pants, and glasses.
Brittany Hoopes and Michael Bruner | Photo: CBS

5. Howie Gordon’s eviction from ‘Big Brother 7’

Classic Big Brother is known for its rivalries, fights, and dynamic duos. But the most popular alliance is probably Chilltown, which was formed in Big Brother 2 by Will Kirby and Mike “Boogie” Malin. The two continued their partnership in Big Brother: All-Stars, aka season 7. And in week seven, Will and Boogie fooled Howie Gordon into thinking he was safe.

Come eviction night, Howie was blindsided when host Julie Chen Moonves informed him he had been evicted from the Big Brother house. On his way out the door, Howie grabbed Boogie’s hat from his head and threw it on the ground. He told him, “Thanks for the sell-out, buddy.” Boogie mockingly applauded him and called him “another class act.”

Howie then got in his face and called him a “punk,” while Boogie told him to “get to steppin’.” Howie eventually made it out the doors, but Big Brother fans will never forget his memorable exit.

4. Zach Rance

Who could ever forget Zach Rance? He had many iconic moments in the Big Brother 16 house, including calling Nicole Franzel a “Froot Loop dingus.” So, of course, he had to go out in a similar fashion.

During week eight, Frankie Grande, the Head of Household, won the Power of Veto, used it, and nominated Zach.

During his eviction speech, Zach said, “To you Froot Loops, I say I hate all of you guys; that’s not the case. I strongly dislike all of you, and I hate one of you. You all suck. And I may not be walking out of here with 500K, but I’m leaving a winner.” And on Day 63, he was unanimously evicted from the game.

When Julie began to reveal the vote, Zach stood up, grabbed a bag of Froot Loops, stepped on the table, and tossed the cereal at the houseguests. He grabbed his bag, said, “Peace out, losers,” and walked out the door. If anything, Zach had one of the most unique Big Brother eviction exits.

3. Candice Stewart

Big Brother 15 will always be tainted by racism and homophobic comments. But it was Candice Stewart who got the last laugh when she exited the game.

GinaMarie Zimmerman, who made numerous racist comments in the house, became the HOH during week six and nominated Candice and Jessie Kowalski for eviction. Jessie won the POV, and GinaMarie nominated Spencer Clawson in her place. At the Big Brother 15 live eviction, Candice was unanimously evicted from the house.

Before the vote, though, Candice used her speech to call out GinaMarie. She said, “I came here to play a game, and this week, it became personal when GinaMarie said very defamatory and harsh comments against me. So, you called me a rat. I don’t know if where you live in New York at your mom’s house at 33 years of age rats what they look like, but they look like you and not me because I’m fabulous.”

At this point, GinaMarie started yelling at Candice, and the two went back and forth until Julie cut in and stopped them. GinaMarie and Candice continued to make snark comments before Candice exited the house.

2. Michael Bruner

Although Michael Bruner’s eviction in Big Brother 24 is still fresh, we do not doubt that his exit is one for the history books.

Michael was a competition beast from the beginning of the game, and his record-breaking number of wins painted an easy target on his back. His fate was set in stone when he lost the POV during the double eviction. However, that didn’t stop Michael from putting up a fight.

In his eviction speech, Michael threw his ally and fellow nominee, Brittany Hoopes, under the bus. He called out how Brittany had leaked a lot of information and made final two deals with almost everyone in the house. Michael also pleaded his case to Taylor Hale and Alyssa Snider by mentioning that he would target Monte Taylor and Matthew Turner if he stayed.

Unfortunately, Michael was unanimously evicted from the Big Brother 24 house. On his way out, he said, “Everyone, please stay seated. I have one thing I would like to say.” And Michael walked out the door without saying goodbye or hugging anyone. Love him or hate him, Michael knows how to make great TV.


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1. Michelle Meyer’s eviction from ‘Big Brother 18’

Perhaps Big Brother fans most remember Michelle Meyer for her constant crying, but she also arguably had one of the most iconic and chaotic eviction exits in the show’s history.

Returning houseguest Nicole Franzel won HOH in week 10 and nominated Michelle and Paul Abrahamian for eviction. During the live show, the vote resulted in a tie, and Nicole broke it by evicting Michelle.

As she was saying her goodbyes, Michelle told the houseguests that they had to get Nicole out because she was “floating” her way to the final two chairs. Part of her speech was bleeped out, but many believe Michelle said that Nicole “f***ed her way to final two.”

Because blowing up Nicole’s game wasn’t enough, Michelle stole Pablo, Paul’s blow-up duck floatie, and said Dan Gheesling was her cousin-in-law. Michelle then threw Pablo to the live audience, which made Paul very upset.

Big Brother 24 airs Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET and Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on CBS.

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