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Big Brother has been the source of major controversy for years now. Every season, there seem to be one or more people who say or do things that get them in trouble with America. Primarily, it all stems back to racist behavior, whether it was more outright like Aaryn Gries from Big Brother 15 saying racist remarks to her houseguests or microaggressions made toward minorities. And the victim of Big Brother‘s latest scandal is Taylor Hale.

Taylor Hale, who is a houseguest in 'Big Brother 24,' wears a pink hoodie.
Taylor Hale | Photo: CBS

‘Big Brother’ fans accuse the season 24 houseguests of bullying Taylor Hale

From night one, Taylor has been subjected to bullying, jealousy, hatred, and gaslighting in the Big Brother house. Paloma Aguilar and Alyssa Snider, in particular, started the “we hate Taylor” campaign on the first night. They called her “pageant girl” and claimed she would try to use her looks to seduce the male houseguests. They judged her before they even knew her.

Of course, Big Brother is about cutting throats and conniving behind people’s backs, but this was different. Especially since Paloma and Alyssa started an all-girls alliance with Ameerah Jones, Brittany Hoopes, Indy Santos, and Jasmine Davis. They called it “Girls Girls,” but their first order of business was to get Taylor out. They preached women empowerment, but then they turned around and targeted another woman.

Fans who watch the live feeds know that Taylor has been friendly to everyone. However, she sealed her fate when she warned Monte Taylor that Paloma was worried about the guys coming after her. This is true — Paloma did say this to Taylor and the other women. But when Monte asked Paloma about it, she cried and claimed it was a lie.

Now, everyone in the Big Brother house has it out for Taylor. They claim she is “aggressive” and is likely to “blow up” in the house. And the people in the outside world are tired of seeing Big Brother houseguests targeting Black women for merely existing.

Why fans believe that the game is ‘broken’

After watching the Big Brother 24 cast mistreat Taylor, one fan shared their feelings about the game on Reddit.

BB US‘s game is broken,” they said. “I don’t want to be overdramatic here, but the series is over, and I’m done watching until tomorrow. Thanks a lot, Derrick. Thanks a lot, Brigade. It’s a problem for me when every single houseguest’s plan is to get into a 6-person alliance and have people on the outside as cover as well.”

The fan continued, “They just need to completely overhaul their casting process. It’s the same kinds of people year after year after year after year. They all want to play the exact same way, and it’s not fun to watch. I’m not blaming anyone in particular on this cast. I’m blaming BB for not doing anything to try [to] evolve the game and casting. It’s been the same sh*t for eight years.”

Some attribute Big Brother‘s “mob mentality” aspect to Derrick Levasseur’s game in season 16. Each week, the people in power target one person, usually minorities first, and the house goes along with it. And the same thing is happening to Taylor in Big Brother 24.

Another Reddit user commented, “They really need to copy [Big Brother Canada‘s] format. All the side games, luxury comps, real have not comps, as well as HOH dinner dates. It forces players that might not work together to talk game, and it does create opportunities for new pairings and constant dynamic shifts in the house.”

Many fans seemed to approve of this notion. But whatever the answer may be, fans agree that change needs to happen in the game of Big Brother. Otherwise, they’ll see the same things happen in future seasons.


Why ‘Big Brother 24’ Fans Are Threatening to Cancel Their Live Feeds

Julie Chen Moonves responds to the ‘Big Brother 24’ houseguests bullying Taylor

Unfortunately for fans, it doesn’t sound like change will happen anytime soon. Big Brother 24 host Julie Chen Moonves recently shared her thoughts on the Taylor debacle.

When Parade asked her about the mob mentality in the Big Brother house, Chen said, “It’s so interesting that you use the term ‘mob mentality.’ Because isn’t that what Twitter has done? Aren’t you all being hypocrites? There has been this mob mentality created against people in the house, who viewers feel have not been kind to Taylor.”

She continued, “I think anytime you’re nominated, it’ll bring you to tears. Because at the end of the day, you want to be liked. And when you get named as a nominee, you get the sense, ‘Oh, they want me out. The majority wants me out.’ But I feel for Taylor, who’s been told that she has rubbed some people the wrong way.”

“We all walk through life thinking that we’re good, decent people,” the host concluded. “You don’t set out to be unlikable. It hurts. It hurts, and I have sympathy for her. I have sympathy for everyone in that house. It’s not easy.”

A new episode of Big Brother 24 airs on Thursday, July 14, at 9 p.m. ET on CBS.