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Big Brother has come down to the final six houseguests. Fans have a lot to say about how the latest veto winner performed in the double eviction and what it means for the rest of the cast.

[SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers ahead for the Big Brother 23 live feeds on Sept. 9 and the veto winner.]

There was an impressive veto win on ‘Big Brother’ 

The Sept. 9 episode started with Xavier Prather and Claire Rehfuss on the block. Claire made a big plea to stay by calling out Xavier as the person who is going to win the season. 

“Houseguests, I find myself almost at a loss for words because I’m sitting next to the fabulous X, and he is loyal, and he is trustworthy,” Claire said in her eviction speech. “In three weeks, he’s gonna be $750,000 richer because for me to go and him to stay, he must be playing a damn fine game. And for that to happen, I have to tip my hat to him, and I’m gonna be going to jury potentially, and I’ll make sure all the jury knows that as well.”

Claire was evicted with a vote of 4-1. The houseguests went into the Head of Household (HOH) competition, and Hannah Chaddha won. She put Xavier and Alyssa Lopez on the block as planned, with Alyssa being the target.

Everyone but Kyland Young competed in the veto competition, which was assembling a puzzle. Xavier blew the rest of the competition out of the water.

He took himself off the block, and Hannah put Kyland on it. Alyssa was voted out with a vote of 3-1. This mostly followed The Cookout’s plans, so fans weren’t shocked by this. But they had a lot to say about Xavier’s performance in the veto competition.

‘Big Brother’ fans say Xavier is going to “dominate” after impressive veto win

Xavier Prather poses for 'Big Brother 23' cast photo
‘Big Brother 23’ houseguest, Xavier Prather | Cliff Lipson/CBS/Getty Images

‘Big Brother’ Spoiler: Xavier and Kyland Are Turning on Each Other

Xavier finished the puzzle in the veto competition very quickly. Fans reacted to this on Reddit and think it’s a sign of what’s to come. 

“if the veto comp was any indication, and if x is done throwing comps… the 750k is his,” one fan wrote.

“Congratulations, Xavier! You are the winner of Big Brother!” another fan commented.

“Xavier is going to dominate these late game comps. If he doesn’t slip up, he’s the winner of this season for sure,” a fan predicted.

“Hate to see it happen, but X is about to steamroll through these competitions in the final weeks. He’s been holding back and his athletic skillset and great memory is about to come through,” another fan wrote.

The Cookout is left to compete with each other for the prize. Xavier recently was upset with Tiffany Mitchell for winning HOH, so she’s most likely his target. He’s also been open to talking about the future of the game with Derek Frazier, Hannah, and Kyland. There is still another HOH competition that needs to be played but right now Tiffany’s game might be in danger.