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Big Brother fans have been waiting for other houseguests to figure out the big alliance in the house. Now they have after it’s too late. This is what they think about The Cookout.

[SPOILER ALERT: Spoilers ahead for the jury segment in the Big Brother 23 episode on Sept. 16.] 

The jury figures out The Cookout on ‘Big Brother’

The Cookout has been secretly working together since week 1 and has been using other players as pawns. Therefore most of the evicted houseguests had no clue they were working together.

The Sept. 16 episode showed the jury house with Britini D’Angelo and Derek Xiao. Sarah Beth, Alyssa Lopez, and Claire Rehfuss later joined them. But Sarah Beth was the first to know for sure The Cookout existed.

Azah let Sarah Beth know her eviction is furthering a mission that is close to her heart in her goodbye message. Kyland revealed he’s in a secret alliance that she isn’t a part of in his message.

Derek Xiao calls The Cookout’s mission “noble”

“I think it is Kyland, Azah, Big D, Xavier, and Chaddha, and Tiffany are all working together,” Sarah Beth told Britini and Derek X. Derek X had no clue what that mission could be and Britini and Sarah Beth told him there has never been a Black winner.

“So that’s definitely going on. I understand and sympathize with why they would form that alliance,” Sarah Beth said. 

“It makes sense if you think about like to have an alliance that forms week 1 stick through all the way ’til now,” Derek X said. “It’s like you have to be playing for something bigger than yourself. I think for what they’re trying to do seems like a noble mission.” Derek X applauded them for it and said it’s “extremely impressive” how far they’ve been able to keep this alliance together since week 1.”

Sarah Beth cries over Kyland’s lies

Sarah Beth Steagall poses for 'Big Brother 23' cast photo
‘Big Brother 23’ houseguest, Sarah Beth Steagall | Cliff Lipson/CBS/Getty Images

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Sarah Beth answered how she feels about Kyland. “I completely respect that he chose not to tell me,” she said. “He knows what type of player I am. I would have blown it up in a hot second if I thought. I am struggling with all the lies he told me that were unnecessary. The conversations that we had that didn’t need to be had and the lies that he led me into. So it’s painful for me.” 

Sarah Beth started tearing up. Britini also didn’t seem impressed by Kyland’s strategy.

Alyssa also gave her reaction to the alliance. “The six-person alliance that’s left in the game…brilliant!” Alyssa said. “Kudos to them. I think it’s genius being a fan of this show. I love how stupid I feel because I did not see it coming.” 

Claire confirmed the alliance and also said she couldn’t be mad at them for working together. It looks like Kyland might lose some jury votes, but the jury seems very supportive of The Cookout’s mission, and are impressed they stayed together. Fans will have to keep watching the show on CBS to see how the jury will vote in the end.