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One thing that could throw a wrench into a houseguest’s Big Brother game is not being well-fed. Their diets have been manipulated since the beginning of the reality show. Taylor Hale, the winner of Big Brother 24, explained why she’s against food competitions returning.

‘Big Brother’ used to have food competitions

Big Brother used to have houseguests battle it out to have a variety of food for the week. For example, in season 2, houseguests often had to work together in competitions to get the food they want for the week. But in other competitions, they played against each other so someone could lose, and they could only eat peanut butter and jelly for the week.

Houseguests would often talk about how disgusted they were by the sandwich after eating it so much. So they tried to fight hard to get more variety in their diet. The food competitions stopped after Big Brother 10

Taylor Hale says ‘Big Brother’ food competitions could trigger houseguests

Fans want some old aspects of Big Brother to return to new seasons. One of them is the food competitions.

On Nov. 22, a fan tweeted, “Luxury comps, food comps, go shopping the old slip n slide” in response to Taylor’s call to bring back the pressure cooker competition. 

“Luxury comps – yes, Food comps – no. We don’t know peoples dietary needs/restrictions and I often wonder if those comps could trigger someone that has a negative relationship with food (disordered eating). Also – I refuse to be on the block for grabbing @lays over pork chops,” Taylor tweeted in response.

The food competitions were hard for people with food restrictions. If they’re outnumbered by other houseguests who eat differently, then their food will most likely be limited for the week. Vegetarians and vegans are typically outnumbered in the Big Brother house.

Slop replaced peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

Taylor Hale sits covered in blue frosting on 'Big Brother 24'.
Taylor Hale on ‘Big Brother 24’ | CBS ©2022 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Highest quality screengrab available.

‘Big Brother’: Taylor Hale Wants the Pressure Cooker to Return

Big Brother All Stars introduced slop to the game, and it replaced peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The Have/Have-Not Competition then replaced the food competition.

Now Have-Nots are determined socially instead of a competition. Sometimes the HOH has to pick who is a Have-Not, other times, people volunteer, and sometimes the house agrees the people who performed the worst in the HOH competition should be on slop.

The Have-Nots sleep in an uncomfortable room, can only have cold showers, and only eat slop. If they break the rules, they could receive a penalty. The base of slop is steel-cut oats. Houseguests are given a list of condiments and seasonings they’re allowed to use to flavor the slop. But they’re not allowed to use something, not on the list.

Houseguests have become more and more creative with time with slop. They have baked it into chips like Azah Awasum of Big Brother 23 and more.