‘Big Brother’ Winner Andy Herren Admits He’s ‘Bitter’ He Wasn’t Contacted for ‘All-Stars 2’
While CBS hasn’t officially confirmed the theme of Big Brother 22, multiple sources claim they have inside knowledge that it will be All-Stars 2. Many followers have voiced their concerns about who will compete on the next season. They don’t want anyone who has made racist or problematic remarks cast.
On Big Brother 15 several contestants — including winner Andy Herren and his allies Amanda Zuckerman, Aaryn Gries, and Spencer Clawson — lost their jobs after competing on the reality series due to racist, homophobic, and offensive comments caught on the 24/7 Live Feeds. Therefore, no one from his season is allowed to return to the series.

The now 33-year-old tweeted his annoyance with the fact that he can’t compete on All-Stars 2 despite his belief that he’s one of the best players ever and called out CBS for being hypocritical.
Andy Herren won ‘Big Brother 15’
In 2013, then 26-year-old Illinois-based professor Andy Herren competed on the 15th season of Big Brother. He formed an alliance with showmance Amanda Zuckerman and McCrae Olson, collectively known as McCranda, while also maintaining a close relationship with the other side of the house, Helen Kim and Elissa Slater.
The latter repeatedly won MVP, thus receiving the power to nominate another person for eviction anonymously. Andy avoided being nominated due to his alliances with Elissa and Aaryn Gries, who won several Head of Household competitions.
Once McCranda picked up on Andy’s tactics, he formed a final four alliance with GinaMarie Zuckerman, Judd Daugherty, and Spencer Clawson to eliminate the showmance, whom they referred to as the “snakes and rats.”
After voting out Amanda, the professor convinced McRae to target Elissa and then went on to win four competitions, earning his way to the final two. Although many jury members deemed Andy as a “rat,” they respected his gameplay over GinaMarie’s, giving him the $500,000 grand prize in a 7-2 vote.
Andy Herren called out CBS for being hypocritical
While fans tweeted their fantasy cast lists for All-Stars 2, many noted they didn’t want to see several former houseguests return due to offensive comments they’ve made in the house.
In a tweet, Andy turned it on CBS and questioned why “casting never gets in trouble for the people they put in the Big Brother house?” He pointed out that “some great players,” like himself, “will never get to play again because they were forced to exist with people casting chose” who “said/did problematic things, yet there have been no major changes to casting.”
In another tweet, he also pointed out that “a group of straight (usually white) men try to band together” on the majority of seasons because “there are enough of them to do so.” On the other hand, there aren’t enough Black women cast to see them work together in the same fashion.
His former ally Amanda joined the conversation and asked if BB22 would “truly be All-Stars without me.” Andy replied and explained that “awful things were said” during their season “that hurt people.” He then pointed out that offensive comments are made every season, and “people can grow and change.”
The Illinois-native continued, “Our cast was the most strategic cast in the show’s history.” Therefore, he considers it a “bummer” that none of them can play again.
Andy Herren ‘bitter’ he won’t be on ‘All-Stars 2’
Many fans called Andy “bitter” for not receiving a call for the reported All-Stars season. He admitted they were correct because he believes he “played as well (if not better than) Dan [Gheesling], Derrick [Levasseur], and Will [Kirby],” who are considered Big Brother legends.
However, he thinks “production buried me in the edit” due to his sexuality. The former champ ended his tweet with his assertion that “being one of the best ever to play and having the show completely ignore you sucks!”
In a follow-up tweet, he said winning his favorite reality series “was a literal dream come true.” However, “this All-Stars talk is just annoying when I know that I stand no shot even though I’m one of the best and first gay winner.” Andy also tweeted that he wanted to compete on All-Stars 2 so badly that he would pay money.
CBS has stated it believes Big Brother 22 will return this summer as planned. But there is a possibility production might not open in time due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.