‘Big Brother’ Winner Reveals It’s ‘High Time’ She Returns to the Game
Returning players is not a new concept in the world of Big Brother. There have been two All-Star seasons (one more successful than the other) and numerous other installments of the game that have featured fan-favorite and iconic former houseguests. And one Big Brother winner is ready to get back in the game.

Jun Song was the winner of ‘Big Brother 4’
Big Brother 4 initially welcomed eight houseguests into the Big Brother house. But thanks to the X-Factor twist, five other players entered the game and were each an ex of one of the original houseguests. So season 4 featured five sets of exes.
Jun Song was surprised to see her former boyfriend, Jee Choe, walk through the front door. However, she allied with him and fellow houseguest Alison Irwin, and she coasted her way into the final two with Alison.
During the finale, six jury members voted for Jun, while only one voted for Alison. So Jun was crowned the winner of Big Brother 4 and received the $500,000 grand prize.
Jun reveals that she wants to play ‘Big Brother’ again
During the early days of Big Brother 24, host Julie Chen Moonves announced that she had been campaigning for an all-winners season of the show.
“I’ve been asking for [an all-winners season]!” the host told Entertainment Weekly. “Can you imagine? From Eddie [McGee] from season 1, when it was a completely different game … That’s when the public voted people out. So I would love to see that, where everyone has been in the winner’s seat.”
In response to Chen Moonves’ comments, Big Brother 4 winner Jun Song wrote on Twitter, “It’s high time I return to the diary room.”
Since the Entertainment Weekly article came out, Jun has been vocal about wanting to be on an all-winners or legends season of Big Brother. She has tweeted about it multiple times in recent months.
The winner reveals her prerequisites for returning to ‘Big Brother’
During an interview with Entertainment Weekly in 2022, Big Brother 4 winner Jun Song shared her conditions for returning to the game. And her statement reaffirmed her tweet.
“I would only play in an all-winners season, to be honest,” she revealed. “Nothing else would be worth it. I don’t want to play against just anyone. We’ve had winners try their luck a second time and fail. We’ve had plenty of never-got-close(rs) clamor for chance after chance and come up short. Give me an all-winners season, and I’ll drop everything for one last summer of mayhem and mischief. I’ve still got it in me.”
Jun also disclosed which players she would most want to compete with and against.
She said, “I would love to play with some of the fierce femmes of Big Brother. Screw the bros. Ugh, if I had to choose: Play with Claire Rehfuss because she has got a heart of gold and knows that there are more important things in life than ‘just a game.’ Play against Danielle Reyes because she is a scrappy survivor, and I know she’d never just let me win, but we would have so much fun trying to beat each other.”
New episodes of Big Brother 24 air Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET and Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on CBS.