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It’s been a rough few months for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. There was a bizarre story about a car chase through the streets of Manhattan and the accounts from that night didn’t add up. Then came an embarrassing retort from a photo agency when Harry demanded the paparazzi hand over all pictures from the evening.

The following month, Spotify terminated its multi-million deal with the pair before a company executive labeled them as “f****** grifters.” In addition, the luxury fashion brand Dior shot down rumors that it was working on any campaign with the duchess. Moreover, their Netflix docuseries was snubbed by Emmy voters.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who a body language expert says displayed a subtle gesture showing a change in their relationship now, visit the city hall during the Invictus Games Dusseldorf 2023
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle visit the city hall during the Invictus Games Dusseldorf 2023 | Patrick van Katwijk/Getty Images

On top of that, the Sussexes have been plagued by reports that they are having financial issues and marital troubles. While those reports have not been confirmed, royal watchers everywhere have been giving their opinions on Meghan and Harry’s relationship. Now, a body language expert has analyzed the couple’s actions and pointed out what change he noticed since the duke and duchess were first married.

Subtle change the body language expert noticed in Meghan’s hand gesture

Darren Stanton is a body language and behavioral expert with a degree in psychology. He previously worked as a police officer and used his expertise to uncover the truth when interviewing hundreds of suspects. He later moved into media and TV as a consultant and has been dubbed the “Human Lie Detector.” 

Stanton has analyzed the body language of several members of the royal family as well and is discussing the change he has seen in the Duchess of Sussex with where and how she places her hand on her husband.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arriving at United Nations Headquarters in 2022
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arriving at United Nations Headquarters in 2022 | Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Speaking on behalf of Betfair Casino, Stanton said: “In the early days of Meghan Markle joining the royal family, there was a lot of speculation in terms of how she was going to convey herself and fit into life as a senior royal. Right from the outset, Meghan was a very strong and confident person. Perhaps, this was due to her tenacious nature and the motivation she has had to have to become a star in her own right in the world of acting.”

The expert continued: “Over the years we’ve seen many tell-tale gestures of Meghan helping Harry to feel at ease, like her touching his elbow when they’re out at engagements or holding his hand or arm to give reassurance.”

Stanton more recently noticed Meghan using another gesture when she places her hand on her husband which shows a shift in their relationship where she does not need to be the center of attention.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arrive to celebrate Nelson Mandela International Day at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arrive to celebrate Nelson Mandela International Day at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City | Lokman Vural Elibol/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

“Another way Meghan shows Harry she is on hand to support him is by subtly placing her hand on his back – both a protective and comforting gesture,” Stanton observed. “There’s no denying that Harry sees Meghan as his rock and while she was previously used to being the center of attention, she is more than content letting Harry take center stage.”

Expert believes the couple is ‘deeply in love’ despite split rumors

As for the divorce rumors surrounding the Sussexes, Stanton isn’t buying those because he says Meghan and Harry appear to be “deeply in love.”

“A tell-tale sign that shows how deeply Meghan is in love with Harry is the way she looks at him with a fixed gaze,” Stanton noted. “When Harry is talking or engaged in an activity, you’ll notice Meghan is transfixed on him, staring at him adoringly — a sign of reciprocal liking and sharing a deep rapport with someone.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attend the Ms. Foundation Women of Vision Awards
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle attend the Ms. Foundation Women of Vision Awards | Kevin Mazur/Getty Images Ms. Foundation for Women

“Meghan isn’t afraid to show her emotions. There’s been plenty of times she and Harry have displayed affectionate gestures towards one another publicly, holding hands and being tactile, touching each other’s elbows or back — intimate areas to touch.”

Showbiz Cheat Sheet acknowledges conditions and cultures can impact body language and is sensitive to all backgrounds.