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Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are perfect for their roles as Jack and Rose in Titanic. Yet before the actors got cast, Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston were also being looked at for the film. Considering Pitt and Aniston were married for five years, it’s safe to say their romantic chemistry would be incredible in James Cameron’s movie. But can you imagine the Friends actress and Pitt for the roles of Jack and Rose? 

Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt
Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt | Barry King/WireImage

Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are cast in ‘Titanic’

According to Rolling Stone, Winslet was determined to play the role of Rose in Titanic. The actress, then 19, claims she “wept buckets” after reading the script, and knew all at once she’d do anything to get the part. Winslet hounded Cameron for the role, calling him on his car-phone (throwback) and giving him a rose.

Cameron finally accepted her offer, yet it took a lot of convincing for DiCaprio to take on the role of Jack Dawson. According to Winslet and the producer of Titanic, the Great Gatsby actor initially didn’t want to star in the movie. DiCaprio, at the time, wanted to break away from his “heartthrob” status and instead pursue “deeply flawed characters.” But Rae Sanchini, the film’s producer, helped inspire DiCaprio to take on the role. 

“When you think about it, Jack is the purest of heart. We meet him, and he’s not conflicted,” Sanchini says. “He knows exactly who he is. Jack knows his place in the world. He’s fearless…he falls in love, but he doesn’t change as a person…He makes his choice to die for the woman he loves, and he’s at peace with that.” DiCaprio then came to the conclusion that “playing a character like Jack, who doesn’t have any obvious stuff to hide behind…was a challenge in and of itself.”  

Winslet also had to work hard to convince her now-best friend to take on the role. She tells Rolling Stone, “I was thinking, ‘I’m going to persuade him to do this, because I’m not doing it without him, and that’s all there is to it. I will have him.’ Because he is f***ing brilliant. He’s a f***ing genius, and that was absolutely why.”

Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston could have starred as Jack and Rose in ‘Titanic’

Jennifer Aniston with her husband Brad Pitt
Jennifer Aniston with her husband Brad Pitt | Scott Nelson/AFP via Getty Images

According to HuffPost, several other A-list actors could’ve played Jack and Rose in Titanic. Cameron looked at a lot of different people for the leading roles before deciding on Winslet and DiCaprio. Two actors who were notably considered for the film were Aniston and Pitt. The two met in 1994, Anniston gushing that Pitt was just a “sweet,” “normal” guy from Missouri.

Yet despite their fondness of each other, the pair didn’t start dating until 1998, considering Pitt was still in a relationship with Gwenyth Paltrow at the time. (Paltrow had also been considered for the role of Rose.) According to Pitt’s bodyguard, Aniston and Pitt had an excellent relationship where they never fought and seemed very much in love. Now, over a decade since the end of their marriage, Pitt and Aniston consider each other to be “good friends.”

Angelina Jolie could have also starred in ‘Titanic’ as Rose

Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie | Steve Granitz/WireImage

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Talk about drama! According to HuffPost, Angelina Jolie was also considered for the role of Rose. If Jolie and Pitt starred in Titanic, there is a good chance the whole Aniston/Jolie/Pitt scandal would have never happened. Other ex-Hollywood couples that could have starred in the film include Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder, followed by Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.