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TLC’s I Love a Mama’s Boy returns for season 3 episode 9. Matt is furious about how things went down with Brittany. Here’s what happened last time on the reality TV series.

Matt confides in his mother about Brittany

Couple arguing on the beach.
Couple arguing | Eric Ward via Unsplash

Matt describes his last interaction with Britany as “extremely awkward.” He says things went “poorly” during their lunch. He was disappointed that Birttany would bring her manager to a private lunch so that she could grill him about his intentions.

“The most disappointing part of it was how Brittany orchestrated it,” says Matt. He blocked Brittany on social media, and he blocked her number. “I think there’s nothing more to pursue with her,” he adds during his interview with producers.

Matt admits he lied about having another girlfriend

Matt meets up with his “best friend” (his mother, Kelly) and talks to her about what happened with Brittany. Kelly says she told Matt from the beginning that Brittany is not the woman for him.

Matt tells his mother that Brittany asked if he was seeing someone else. Matt says he lied and said he wasn’t seeing someone. However, this wasn’t true. He admits there was someone else, but he didn’t want to say that in front of Brittany’s boss.

Matt claims he didn’t cheat on Brittany because she was “never his girlfriend.” However, Brittany wasn’t aware of this. Matt admits he never communicated that to Brittany. Brittany thought she was the only woman in his life. Matt defends himself by saying he was “caught off guard” and didn’t know what to say.

Kelly says she is disappointed in her son. “I didn’t raise a cheater,” she says. “I didn’t raise someone not to be kind in relationships. It is not right to mislead, to lie. To be dishonest.” Kelly advises Matt to apologize to Brittany.

Matt has another confession

Matt also reveals that he’s seriously considering marrying the other woman. He already knows her ring size and he’s ready to get engaged within six months. He says her name is Devon and she has two teenagers. Surprisingly, Matt says he doesn’t care if anyone approves of Devon because he’s happy. Kelly is worried because Matt is going so fast. She thinks he should introduce her to the family.

Brittany discovers Matt blocked her

Brittany talks to her friend, Katelyn, about Matt. Brittany says she was “shocked and annoyed” after she tried to call Matt and she discovered he blocked her. “After 7 months, I at least deserve an explanation,” says Brittany.

Brittany says Matt not only blocked her, but he told all of his friends to block her on social media. Katelyn says this isn’t normal behavior. She also says she never liked Matt. “I just never had a good feeling about him,” she says.

Brittany created another Instagram account so she could look at Matt’s page. She discovered that he was seeing another woman while they were dating. “I would love to look him in his face and tell him, ‘I know you cheated on me,’” says Brittany.

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