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Camilla Parker Bowles was seen at her first engagement since Prince Harry made bombshell claims about her in both his memoir and during interviews. A body language expert pointed out signs that the queen consort looked “uneasy.”

Queen Consort Camilla Parker Bowles body language looked uneasy
Queen Consort Camilla Parker Bowles | Andrew Milligan/PA Wire

Camilla Parker Bowles’ body language showed signs she was ‘uneasy,’ expert says

Camilla visited the University of Aberdeen’s science labs to meet with students, professors, and technicians. This was Camilla’s first engagement since Harry’s memoir was released, in which he claimed she leaked stories to the media in an effort to rehabilitate her image.

Body language expert Judi James told The Mirror that Camilla lacks the same “stoic resilience” that she’s observed in King Charles, Prince William, and Kate Middleton during their recent engagements following Harry’s claims.

“Camilla’s body language tends to look ill-at-ease on royal visits when things aren’t going well and under this kind of pressure, with Harry’s book and interviews regurgitating the perception of her as a marriage-wrecker with her eye on the throne, she looks lacking in the kind of stoic resilience that the rest of the firm are set on displaying,” James said.

She explained, “Touring science labs in Aberdeen today Camilla seemed to try to produce a look of ‘business as usual’ but there are some telling barrier rituals and some uneasy facial expressions and foot positions that suggest inner unease and awkwardness.”

Camilla avoided moves that could have conveyed regal confidence, expert says

According to James, Camilla “swerved two body language options” that might have made her look more confident.

The expert explained, “She could have immersed herself in conversations with the children and staff, relaxing, bending, joining in and having fun as Kate did. Or she could have opted for a more regal look, standing and chatting with elegant and confident-looking poise.”

Camilla did neither and instead came off as awkward, James said.

“Instead she either stands awkwardly and distanced, with her rigid-looking arms pinned to her sides, or she seems to be behind people or objects, like the boy doing a demonstration, or the box of flowers, or the large sheet of notes,” James explained. “This suggests a subliminal desire to hide or deflect attention.”

The expert continued, “In one pose with her notes, she is holding her other hand up in what looks like an attempt at a double barrier ritual, while her facial expression looks caught in an uneasy pucker, bordering on a grimace.”


Expert Points Out Prince Harry Body Language Clues That Reveal Camilla Parker Bowles Is His ‘Nemesis’

Body language expert points out Camilla Parker Bowles’ head and foot positions indicated ‘anxiety’

Camilla’s head position is important to note as well, according to James. “Her head is held down in all of these poses, when a regal pose would traditionally entail a more upright look, with the chin raised to suggest confidence and to help photographers get the best shots,” the expert said. “Instead, her dipped face is partly hiding under her fringe.”

James pointed out Camilla’s feet and footwear as well. “Camilla’s feet positions also look uncharacteristically awkward. The boots look chosen for comfort and warmth and give a rather flat-footed look which, by placing them apart as she does here, adds to the impression of anxiety, as though she is poised to get out of the spotlight,” she explained.

Showbiz Cheat Sheet acknowledges conditions and cultures can impact body language and is sensitive to all backgrounds.