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Actor Cary Grant worked with a wide variety of talented actors, including Grace Kelly. However, he didn’t have too much trouble narrowing down who he considered to be the best female actor that he had ever worked with. Grant praised Kelly and explained why he gave her the highest compliment he could possibly give another performer.

Cary Grant and Grace Kelly co-starred in ‘To Catch a Thief’

'To Catch a Thief' actors Cary Grant and Grace Kelly in black-and-white. Kelly has her head rested gently against the side of Grant's head.
L-R: Cary Grant and Grace Kelly | Silver Screen Collection/Getty Images

Grant and Kelly co-starred in only one movie over the course of their filmographies – Alfred Hitchcock’s To Catch a Thief. The 1955 romantic thriller follows a notorious cat burglar named John Robie (Grant). He’s a retired man who tends to the vineyards on the French Riviera. However, John must work to prove his innocence when a series of robberies begin to take place in his style.

To Catch a Thief finds John following a jewelry owner named Francie (Kelly). When the robber strikes her precious jewels, she suspects that it’s John, which destroys their tentative romance. Initial critic reactions were mixed at the time, although it continues to have a loyal following in modern times.

Cary Grant called Grace Kelly the ‘most extraordinary actress ever’

Interview Magazine asked Grant who was the best female actor he worked with over the course of his career. He admitted that he worked with many very talented actors, to who he gave an honorable mention. However, Grant confidently answered that Kelly was the best female actor that he ever worked with, calling her the “most extraordinary actress ever.”

“I’ve worked with many fine actresses,” Grant said. “But in my opinion, the best actress I ever worked with was Grace Kelly. Ingrid [Bergman], Audrey [Hepburn], and Deborah Kerr were splendid, splendid actresses, but Grace was utterly relaxed—the most extraordinary actress ever.”

Grant continued: “Her mind was razor-keen, but she was relaxed while she was doing it. I appreciated that. It’s not an easy profession, despite what most people think.”

Kelly ultimately quit acting, and her co-star couldn’t be happier for her.

“As far as we were concerned, she was a lady, number one, which is rare in our business,” Grant said. “Mostly we have manufactured ladies—with the exception of Ingrid, Deborah, and Audrey. Grace was of that ilk. She was incredibly good, a remarkable woman in every way. And when she quit, she quit because she wanted to.”

The movie won an Oscar, but not for acting


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To Catch a Thief made its way to the Academy Awards, although it didn’t earn any nominations in any acting categories. Grant and Kelly had a marvelous time working together, although the film also shined in other aspects.

The film won its only Oscar for Best Cinematography, although it also earned another two nominations. To Catch a Thief garnered nominations for Best Art Direction and Best Costume Design. However, Hitchcock’s classic also had other substantial mentions, including making it onto American Film Institute’s top 100 greatest love stories in American history.