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You don’t have to like all of your friends’ significant others, but you should probably at least respect them. When it comes to Rachel Lindsay and her Bachelor Happy Hour co-host Becca Kufrin’s boyfriend Garrett Yrigoyen, respect has gone out the window. In a recent interview, Lindsay held nothing back when asked how she felt about Yrigoyen.

Rachel Lindsay
Rachel Lindsay | Noel Vasquez/Getty Images

Why did Garrett receive so much backlash?

With the murder of George Floyd galvinizing the nation, more people are falling into two camps, those who think Black lives matter and those who don’t. The Black Lives Matter campaign has specifically been targeting police brutality and the way that the police disporportionately harrass and kill Black people.

During this time of protests, Yrigoyen posted to Instagram in support of the police.

“With so many friends and family in law enforcement I couldn’t sit back and not support them and the hundreds of thousands of men and women of all races that represent this Thin Blue Line as well,” he wrote. He went on to point out how many police officers had been hurt in recent weeks.

Bachelor nation alum Bekah Martinez commented on the post.

“Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh law enforcement CHOOSES to put on a blue uniform,” she wrote. “Black people don’t choose to be black. Big difference. Also ‘the more brutality they face the more on edge they become’…….that’s scary as f*ck. wow wow wow. So interesting that you stay silent about Black lives but just HAVE to speak out about cops. You’ve made your views known before and here’s a great reminder that not much has changed.”

Yrigoyen had also run into trouble in the past for liking memes making fun of the kids involved in the Parkland shooting.

How does Becca Kufrin feel about Garrett’s comments?

The backlash against Yrigoyen’s comments were so severe that Kufrin eventually had to address his post on her and Lindsay’s podcast.

“Garrett is my fiancé and I love him and to his core, I believe that he is a good person,” she said. “What he posted … I don’t align with and I don’t agree with.

“I don’t think he meant it in a malicious way,” she continued. “I do think it was tone deaf and it was the wrong time and message and sentiment. … I’m trying to get him to see the bigger picture.”

Rachel Lindsay is done with Garrett

Lindsay originally commended Kufrin for having those hard conversations with her fiancé and trying to educate him. She even said that she believed Yrigoyen had a good heart. But now, the former lawyer is done with the niceties.


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On Everything Iconic with Danny Pellegrino, she let her real feelings for Yrigoyen come out.

“I think he’s a piece of s**t, and I have said to her, ‘I will not f**k with him,'” she said. “He has doubled down on his beliefs. This isn’t the first time he’s had problematic behavior. When he was on the season, he had a history of liking things that were racist, sexist, homophobic, calling the Parkland students child actors, it was a lot, so this is who this man is,” Lindsay said. “And he’s a piece of s**t to me.”