‘Cheer’ Coach Responds to Navarro Cheer’s 2020 Season Ending Early: ‘My Life Has Been a Roller Coaster’
Many Netflix viewers loved the Navarro College cheerleading team and their coach Monica Aldama. The documentary series Cheer, told in six episodes, showed the team’s tireless journey to compete at the NCA’s Collegiate National Championship in Daytona, Florida. Unfortunately, that journey won’t be happening this year. It was recently announced that, because of the coronavirus outbreak, the cheer competition won’t take place in 2020. Aldama took to Instagram to share her thoughts on the cancelation.
National collegiate cheer championship canceled

Varsity Spirit revealed that their upcoming competitions, including the NCA collegiate cheer championship in Daytona, Florida, are canceled, or postponed. The statement, posted on Mar. 15, 2020, said:
As you may have seen, the CDC announced their recommendation to cancel or postpone events with 50 or more people for the next eight weeks. With that recommendation, Varsity Spirit has made the decision to not proceed as planned with scheduled events for at least the next eight weeks.
‘Cheer’ coach Monica Aldama reacts on Instagram to Daytona cancelation
Aldama posted on Instagram about her response to the cancelation. The Cheer star wrote:
I am heartbroken with the circumstances that the world is currently facing. We are in unprecedented times and everyone needs to take precautions for the safety of one another. Because of this pandemic, the Navarro Cheer team’s season has come to an end. Sunday evening Varsity made a decision to cancel the NCA Collegiate National Championship in Daytona Beach, FL. This decision was inevitable as things have progressed and our country is in uncertain times
The Cheer coach got more emotional talking about her cheerleaders: “My heart … is breaking for the lost memories and the lost time with my beautiful team. Aldama thanked the Navarro Cheer team:
I want to thank the kids for pouring everything they had into this entire year – for the late nights- the games- the community service- the holidays given up. They are fighters and have always given me 100%. Their routine was so beautiful and their work ethic was bar none.
Aldama continued to say that this was the first time in her career that she “had no control.”
“I have always been able to control the narrative and resort to plan B or C or even Z,” the Cheer star wrote. “… My life has been a roller coaster over the past week,” she wrote.
However, she concluded on the idea that Navarro Cheer will be back soon — and “better than ever!!!” The Cheer personality also included a prayer in her post.
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference,” Aldama wrote.
Aldama says relationship with the Netflix series cast is why she stays in the job

When CNN Sport talked to Aldama, she discussed her role as a cheer coach.
“I’ve really tried to work over the years on … just learning what I could do to fill those roles for those kids,” Aldama said. She shared with CNN that the relationships with her cheerleaders is her main purpose. The Cheer coach said:
I think that’s really why I’m still here, it’s not cheerleading. I’ve won plenty of titles, I don’t have to prove myself there. It’s the relationship with the kids and the feeling of watching them succeed.