‘Chicago Fire’: Will Casey Ever Get Over Dawson?
Some fans have been hoping for Gabby Dawson’s return ever since she left for Puerto Rico, ending her marriage to Matt Casey on the hit TV series Chicago Fire. And some fans want Casey to move on and find someone else. Many are rooting for Casey and Sylvie Brett, and others want him to stop mooning over Dawson. Still, it’s not easy to put aside arguably the most successful Chicago Fire couple, according to CinemaBlend.
For two seasons, the pair nicknamed “Dawsey” was the couple on a show known better for its hookups than its sustained relationships. Now we all want to know what will happen. Will Casey get over Dawson? Will he finally enter into a relationship with Brett? Does anyone even remember Casey had another girlfriend in Season 1? These are all questions Chicago Fire needs to answer.
Casey and Dawson: The Romance

Casey and Dawson have had chemistry since Season 1, but Casey was dating Hallie, so there was never a chance then. When Hallie died at the end of the first season, many hoped Season 2 would see Casey heal in Dawson’s arms, and he did — until he didn’t.
Casey asks Dawson to marry him at the end of Season 2, but they’re called to an emergency before she can answer. The two have ups and downs in Season 3 — when Dawson secretly dates Peter Mills — but by the end seem ready to get back together.
Casey and Dawson: Marriage and divorce
The show puts Casey and Dawson through the wringer in Seasons 4 through 6. Dawson miscarries; then Casey and Dawson marry and adopt a foster child, Louie, but lose him to his biological parents. Yet Casey and Dawson’s relationship endures. Chicago Fire can’t leave these two happy, and they fight for most of Season 6 over whether to adopt after losing Louie or try to get pregnant again, which might be dangerous for Dawson. She leaves Casey at the end of Season 6 to take a job in Puerto Rico, ending the romance.
Casey and Brett
In Season 8, Casey and Brett grow closer, and fans are split over whether they prefer the new couple or Dawson’s return. Brett was Dawson’s best friend and has a history of crazy love affairs herself. After getting left at the altar, she reunites with her fiancé, but they break up again. Then Brett falls hard for Dawson’s brother Antonio but then gets caught up in the drama of his ending marriage. When her relationship with Antonio finishes badly, Dawson feels responsible for her brother’s behavior and tries to fix Brett up with guys, but Brett rejects her help.
She meets Kyle Sheffield, and after getting injured when a boiler explodes, she agrees to marry him. She goes to Indiana with him but returns to Chicago after missing the city’s action, ending their relationship, according to ET. With Sheffield and Brett finished and Casey seemingly finally ending things with Dawson after she made a surprise appearance in Season 8, was it finally Casey and Brett’s time? Fans argued furiously about whether the two would get together.
Will they or won’t they?
Finally, in Season 9, it looks like it will happen! After Brett is injured in an accident, she and Casey reveal their feelings to each other, and they kiss. Does this mean a new romance? Well, not yet. Brett asks Casey if he’s over Dawson, and he still isn’t sure, so Brett asks him to leave. Will Casey and Brett get together? Only time will tell, but fans are already calling them “Casset.” And once a pair gets a nickname, romance can’t be far behind.