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As a superstar and business woman, country icon Dolly Parton likes to stay active in her many different ventures and work with people in her employment. To summarize her approach to being a boss, she told People, “I like to be as friendly as I can and love the people that work with me and I like to have them love me.”

But there’s one type of person that might see a different side to Parton. What kind of employee gets the icon of kindness kicking mad?

Dolly Parton in a sparkly, colorful top, holding a microphone with one hand and holding the other hand up
Dolly Parton | Kevin Winter/ACM2016/Getty Images for dcp

Dolly Parton is fair and honest, but her employees should listen to her

When it comes to being an employer, Parton told People she thinks she does well at the job. “I’m a good boss, I think,” she said. “I try to rule with love and compassion.”

That doesn’t mean her employees should expect to get anything over on her, though. “There’s a fine line that says, ‘She’s not a pushover,'” she explained.

And there is one type of person that can expect a poor reaction from Parton if they should ever end up in her employment. “Some people I have to kick their a** up one side and down the other,” she explained, “because some people will just not listen.”

So, anyone hoping to get a job for Parton might keep in mind the potential risks of tuning her out.

Dolly Parton doesn’t appreciate creative or energy vampires among her people

It seems that Parton is willing to give charitably, but she doesn’t want anyone in her employment who is going to drain her or steal from her creativity. “You do have your creative vampires,” she said. “You do have your energy vampires and you’ve got some people that just going to eat you up alive.”

Parton defines a creative vampire as someone who steals ideas — but they seemingly can be anyone who otherwise disrupts another’s workflow. Similarly, energy vampires come in different forms and can steal another’s energy with their demands for attention in any relationship, according to a report by NBC News.

But fans shouldn’t be surprised that Parton doesn’t like someone stealing her ideas and not giving her the credit. She does point out the frustrations of such a scenario in her popular song, 9 to 5. Specifically, she sings, “They just use your mind / And they never give you credit / It’s enough to drive you crazy if you let it.”

Dolly Parton relies on her people to help her with the things she knows she doesn’t know


Dolly Parton Wrote a Mega-Hit Song About Her Husband Spending Too Much Time at the Bank

Parton often calls herself a “dreamer” and told Good Morning America that she likes to be called “Dreamer-in-Chief” at Dollywood. She noted that the park was one of her biggest dreams in her early years. She also told People that part of her recipe for success is that she never claims to know what she doesn’t. That seems to mean she hires people to take on the things she knows she can’t do herself.

“In some cases, I’m not educated enough to do it. In some cases, I’m not smart enough to do it, but I’m smart enough to know what I want and what I don’t want,” she explained. “I’m smart enough to know what I can and can’t do, and so that’s how you have to look at it.”

And having so many dreams to share might be part of why she might kick butt when someone doesn’t listen.